A Message from our Provincial Superior During the COVID-19 Pandemic
As the weeks unfold, the COVID-19 pandemic becomes larger, scarier and nearer. Most of us, in addition to the many restrictions to our daily routines of family, work and play, are deprived at this time of access to Mass and the Sacraments, especially to the “Bread of Angels,” the Holy Eucharist. Now would be a good time to renew the practice of “spiritual communion.” Receive Jesus into your hearts. Reverence him there. Speak with him, trust him, love him. Remain with him in silence and presence, your thoughts and energies centered for a while on him alone. These may be brief moments, but they will spread the gentle strength of their grace throughout the difficult day ahead. The Lord is always near and always loving. Welcome him daily into your heart and into your lives through the practice of spiritual communion. It will make all the difference.
During this time of crisis, please be assured that the Oblates are praying and offering masses daily for our families, friends and benefactors. You have supported us over the years in our ministry and we continue to support you, most especially at this time, with our loving prayers and sacramental intentions.
Rev. Lewis S. Fiorelli, OSFS
Oblates of St. Francis de Sales
Wilmington/Philadelphia Province