News & Events
As I prepare for Pentecost, I think of two Oblates who have impacted my life and my vocation, Fathers Clark Kelley and Joe Dumphrey. The work of the Holy Spirit in their lives has made my life richer as well as those who were in their parishes and ministries…
Recently, the inaugural Fr. John Crossin, OSFS, Christian Unity Essay Contest was held across the provinces. The contest highlighted the parable of the Good Samaritan and “love of neighbor” through the lens of Salesian Spirituality. Learn more about the contest and read its winning essay! ...
The priest always sits next to the grandma at wedding receptions. I love this arrangement! I get to meet everyone as they come and greet grandma. Finally, and this insight is new, I learn a little more about who God is when I’m seated next to a grandma. I’ll explain...
When God wants to get your attention about something, He just keeps showing up. This National Nurses Week, Susan Susan shares her journey of listening to the Lord's call and how serving as a parish nurse has filled her nursing vocation ...
Have you ever imagined your heart/soul as art? As I explore Pablo Picasso’s political worldview and his paintings of war’s dehumanization, it has given me a chance to reflect on art and its purpose in the world through the lens on Salesian art as art with a spiritual purpose...Read More
Fr. Joseph Murray, OSFS, was the first to teach me about St. Mark's Gospel back at North Catholic High School. As I reflect on his teachings, I realize that he used this Gospel to help prepare students for the real world. How does the Gospel of Mark help in our relationship with Jesus and our attempts to live more like Him?... Read More
Rev. James M. Turner, OSFS, passed away at the age of 72 on Tuesday, April 16, 2024. Jim was a professed member of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales for 51 years and a priest for 43 years.
This past Easter, for the first time, I sang the Exsultet. Sensing my hesitancy, one of the Visitation Sisters said, “It’s just us here.” Those words continue to echo in my heart. How does this simple phrase bring us closer to the people around us and closer to God?...
News Archive
As I prepare for Pentecost, I think of two Oblates who have impacted my life and my vocation, Fathers Clark Kelley and Joe Dumphrey. The work of the Holy Spirit in their lives has made my life richer as well as those who were in their parishes and ministries…
Recently, the inaugural Fr. John Crossin, OSFS, Christian Unity Essay Contest was held across the provinces. The contest highlighted the parable of the Good Samaritan and “love of neighbor” through the lens of Salesian Spirituality. Learn more about the contest and read its winning essay! ...
Mother’s Day, for many, is bittersweet as memories of moms who have gone before us. The words of St. Francis de Sales offer us insight and inspiration on joyful days that don’t always feel joyful…
The priest always sits next to the grandma at wedding receptions. I love this arrangement! I get to meet everyone as they come and greet grandma. Finally, and this insight is new, I learn a little more about who God is when I’m seated next to a grandma. I’ll explain...
Have you ever imagined your heart/soul as art? As I explore Pablo Picasso’s political worldview and his paintings of war’s dehumanization, it has given me a chance to reflect on art and its purpose in the world through the lens on Salesian art as art with a spiritual purpose...Read More
Fr. Joseph Murray, OSFS, was the first to teach me about St. Mark's Gospel back at North Catholic High School. As I reflect on his teachings, I realize that he used this Gospel to help prepare students for the real world. How does the Gospel of Mark help in our relationship with Jesus and our attempts to live more like Him?... Read More
This past Easter, for the first time, I sang the Exsultet. Sensing my hesitancy, one of the Visitation Sisters said, “It’s just us here.” Those words continue to echo in my heart. How does this simple phrase bring us closer to the people around us and closer to God?...
Mary Magdalene was the first to announce the Resurrection. She is the Apostle to the Apostles. We are called to “Live Jesus,” so that people hear and see Him today, to tell world that Christ is risen. How can we do that throughout our daily encounters?...
Next week is the 112th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. Many of us think of the famous 1997 movie Titanic and its theme song “My Heart Will Go On.” As we celebrate the Easter season, the Resurrection shows us that the love of Christ goes on. How is this taught in Salesian Spirituality?…
Spring is in the air! The patron of Journalists consistently used metaphors from nature in all its creative aspects to explain the facets of the spiritual life with simplicity and beauty. How can reflecting on nature draw us closer to God?...

Mother’s Day, for many, is bittersweet as memories of moms who have gone before us. The words of St. Francis de Sales offer us insight and inspiration on joyful days that don’t always feel joyful…