
The Nineteenth-Century Salesian Pentecost 

The year 2022 marked a major milestone for the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales.  It was a Double Salesian Jubilee which celebrated the 450th anniversary of the birth of Saint Jane Frances de Chantal and the 400th anniversary of the death of Saint Francis de Sales.  The latter was observed by a historic international conference held at the Pontifical Salesian University in Rome which brought together for the first time the dozens of religious congregations and lay and priestly associations that are under the patronage of Saint Francis de Sales.  The Jubilee Year culminated with Pope Francis issuing an Apostolic Letter on Saint Francis de Sales on the exact date of the 400th anniversary of the saint’s death (December 28, 2022).  Another key event was the publication of the book The Nineteenth-Century Salesian Pentecost.  Father Joseph Chorpenning, OSFS, is one of the four co-authors of this groundbreaking volume.

Published by Paulist Press, this is the newest volume in The Classics of Western Spirituality series.  The series is considered the most important and most frequently referenced English language resource on spirituality and previously included Francis de Sales, Jane de Chantal: Letters of Spiritual Direction (1988).  The series aims to make available in English translation the principal texts of the Western spiritual tradition.  

During the nineteenth century, much of Europe experienced social and political upheaval and turmoil.  France began this turbulent century with the loss of thousands of priests (exiled or killed in the Revolution), churches closed, the growth of religious cults and political unrest.  Catholic leaders, including, though not limited to, Pierre-Marie Mermier, MSFS, Saint John Bosco, Caroline Carré and Henri Chaumont, Blessed Louis Brisson, OSFS, Saint Leonie Aviat, OSFS, and Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis, VHM, looked to the past to uncover what was successful in sustaining and renewing Catholicism.  Along with others, they were inspired by Saint Francis de Sales and found in his Christian humanist approach the avenue to rebuild Catholicism and move away from a fear-based pastoral approach.  De Sales’ teaching of the “little virtues,” the ability to achieve holiness by faithfulness to the obligations and duties of one’s state of life, and the cultivation of spiritual friendships were the inspiration for this rebirth.

“There was a significant reigniting of the Salesian tradition that aimed to revitalize and reenergize the Church,” Father Chorpenning explained.  Because of this reliance on Salesian tradition and the founding of religious and lay communities under the patronage of Saint Francis de Sales, this period has been dubbed a “Salesian Pentecost.”  

“This was a defining moment in the spiritual life of the Church and thus this name (Salesian Pentecost) is so apt.  At Pentecost, there was an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles, giving them the courage to devote themselves unstintingly to mission and ministry.  A comparable phenomenon took place with the recovery of the Salesian spirit in the nineteenth century,” said Father Chorpenning.  

Weaving narrative together with recently made available primary sources, prominent Salesian scholars, Joseph Boenzi, SBD, Suzanne C. Toczyski and Wendy Wright join Father Chorpenning in sharing the origin stories of these communities: Oblate Sisters and Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales, Salesians of Don Bosco, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Salesian Cooperators and the Daughters of St. Francis de Sales.  

Based on research into the original sources in French, Father Chorpenning’s contributions focus on the story of the founding of the Oblate Sisters and Oblates of St. Francis de Sales.  Leveraging his deep dive into these foundational sources, Father Chorpenning offers new insights into the story of the Oblates’ founding.  Historical and explanatory narrative connect extensive passages in English translation from the writings of Blessed Louis Brisson, OSFS,  Saint Leonie Aviat, OSFS, and Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis, VHM, allowing the reader to “hear” the unique voices of these Oblate founders, who gave new life to the Salesian tradition through the recovery of the lives and spirit of Saints Francis de Sales and Jane de Chantal. 

One of these sources was Brisson’s Life of the Venerable Mother Mary de Sale Chappuis.  Using this text, Father Chorpenning explores Mother Chappuis’ relationship with Brisson while he was chaplain and she superior of the Visitation Monastery in Troyes and her primary role in founding the Oblate Sisters and Oblates of St. Francis de Sales. 

“I wanted to make sure she (Chappuis) received her due and Brisson’s biography is our most important source of information about her… She is such a major figure and who knows if she will ever receive the recognition that she so richly deserves,” Father Chorpenning said.

The Nineteenth Century Salesian Pentecost is a fascinating story of this unique period in church history, with a new perspective on our Salesian saints and founders and the incredible impact of the life and teachings of Saint Francis de Sales.  

You can purchase The Nineteenth Century Salesian Pentecost on Embraced by God.