
The FEAST of St. Mary Magdalene

Yesterday (July 22nd) was the feast of St. Mary Magdalene.  For centuries, she has been venerated as the “Apostle to the Apostles” for her role on Easter morning in recognizing the risen Lord and proclaiming the good news to the closest disciples and friends of Jesus.  

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Five years ago, Pope Francis changed the status of this day from what is called a liturgical Memorial to a liturgical Feast (the Church has a hierarchy of celebrations from memorials to feasts to solemnities).  This may seem like a minor detail to most Catholics but in changing the rank of this special day, Pope Francis has raised the feast day to a status that is equal to that of the other (male) Apostles.

Women make up a large majority of volunteers, catechists, religious educators, faith formation leaders, sacristans, administrative assistants, and others who do so much to support the mission of the Church.  This goes back to the very beginning of the ministry of Jesus.   We know from Scripture that there were many women who accompanied the Lord and were part of his journey.  Yet, their role as friends and colleagues is hardly recorded or remembered.

By elevating the role of Mary Magdalene, the Church recognizes all the women over the centuries who helped believers grow in their faith. They may not be mentioned in any history books or stories of the saints, but they probably include our mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, teachers, women religious, friends, and neighbors.  In our own Oblate tradition, we think of St. Jane Frances de Chantal, St. Margaret Mary, Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis, St. Leonie Aviat, and all the Visitation and Oblate Sisters who handed down and helped to spread the spirituality and message of St. Francis de Sales.

On this Feast of St. Mary Magdalene, as we honor the friend and foremost female disciple of Jesus, we give thanks for all of the women in our lives who have helped us to deepen our faith and have helped us to encounter and share the good news of the Risen Lord.