“Marvel at God’s goodness: how good God has been to you, on your behalf! Lord, how rich is your heart in mercy and how generous is your good will. My soul, let us always recall the many graces he has shown to us” Saint Francis de Sales (Introduction to the Devout Life, 1.11).
Saint Francis de Sales also states that gratitude is the beginning of humility because it recognizes all that we have and all that we are are gifts from a loving and generous God. Today the people of the United States celebrate Thanksgiving from sea to shining sea. It is a day we come together with those closest to us, family and friends. It is an opportunity for each one of us to step back and reflect on the blessings we know are from God, and, if given the chance, share them with those who are important in our life.
This edited prayer of thanksgiving is based on of the writings of Saint Francis de Sales. It comes from a prayer book on Salesian Spirituality by John Kirvan. As we pray it, may we thank God for all the gifts He has given us.
Thank you for the many gifts you’ve bestowed on me,
especially for those times when you took me by the hand
and led me through them.
Thank you for all the good things of the world that
you have put within my reach.
Thank you for blessing my efforts
and not caring if they were great or small, done well or poorly.
It mattered only that I tried to do your will.
It was enough. It always is.
Thank you for making me the person I am.
Thank you for the garden in which you placed me,
and where I alone will find you.
Yes Lord, thank you for all you have given me,
for all those moments when you took me by the hand,
walked with me, chatted with me,
mourned with me, and laughed with me.
Now, lead me gently but firmly into what is to come. Amen.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving,
Fr. Jack
Father Jack Loughran, OSFS
Toledo-Detroit Province