In her reflection in Living Faith, Elizabeth – Anne Stewart writes “…like all prophets, Simeon saw beyond the surface. Even as he spoke two thousand years ago, Roman forces occupied the land and atrocities abounded. What he saw was the presence of God cradled in the palms of his hands. As he gave thanks, he was not so naïve as to imagine the Child would banish all suffering; rather, he knew that by embracing the suffering of the world, this Child would show us that love is always a possibility. …Be our light in times of darkness, O Lord that we may shine with your love”
In Luke’s Gospel message, Jesus’ parents were faithful to the Law presenting him in the Temple. Devout Jews like Simeon accepted Jesus as God’s promise to all people: an inclusive Salvation opportunity.
Messianic Salvation is a “Beacon” shining before all nations, a Light that dissipates the darkness and enlightens them. In the Light of his presence, there can be no neutrality, for he is the Light that reveals our innermost thoughts and forces us be part of his Light.
Saint Francis de Sales was a model for us of the Light of Love and a burning Heart. He was a Light in his time that helped all persons to pursue a life of devotion in the state and stage of life in which they lived each day. His relationship with the Divine created a beacon of blessings through his writings, preaching and guidance, enabling us to strive to be a Light for others. To do this action, he stressed the need for our transformation from the inside out. De Sales writes:
“For myself, Philothea, I cannot approve the methods of those who try to reform someone by beginning with outward things. On the contrary it seems to me that we ought to begin inside… Since the heart is the source of our actions, as the heart is so are they; whoever has Jesus Christ in their heart will soon have him in all outward ways.”
Our “temple” is in our hearts. Our light is how we live the gospel, even when we encounter suffering. Are we a beacon of Christian Light in our generation? Can we announce salvation through Jesus by our living action?
Sometimes we are too near-sighted and too hard of hearing to be truly in the presence of his Light. Someone has to open our eyes, ears and hearts beyond our own perceptions. Simeon recognizes in Jesus the Messiah promised long ago. We need to trust in the fulfillment of the divine promises and see the Light in all peoples. St. Francis de Sales was a Light for us too. He was a Light who gave people the heart they needed to embrace life as it was and to dream about life as it could be.
Genuine encounter with Christ leaves us changed forever and impacts our choices, our motivations and our attitudes. Have we let this child into the temple of our hearts? Live Jesus—Let Jesus Shine!