This section of our web site provides a variety of resources that you can use for personal or shared prayer that exposes you to more of the heart of the Salesian tradition.
Prayer of the Heart
Prayer of the Heart series offers a Salesian method for meditating upon a specific scene from the life and passion of Jesus found in the Gospels. Of all the methods of prayer, Francis recommended "mental prayer, the prayer of the heart, and particularly that which centers on the life and passion of our Lord. By often turning your eyes on Christ in meditation, your whole soul will be filled with him. You will learn Christ's ways and form your actions after the pattern of his." (Introduction, Part II, Chapter 1) This series provides a resource for private prayer or for prayer sharing in small faith/church groups.
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Daily with DeSales
Daily with DeSales is an online retreat based upon the book Every Day with St. Francis de Sales, written by Rev. Francis J. Klauder, SDB a member of the Salesians of Don Bosco. This wonderful resource was first published in 1985. We offer a thought or saying from the writings of St. Francis de Sales for each and every day of the year.
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Introduction Meditations
Introduction Meditations offer an edited version of ten meditations found in Part I of St. Francis de Sales’ Introduction to the Devout Life. The purpose of the meditations is to help a person make a conscious, deliberate decision to pursue a holy life, that is, a life of devotion. Francis de Sales suggested doing one meditation per day. Depending upon your situation, circumstances or needs, perhaps you might wish to do one per week…one per month…however you feel drawn to use these meditations to weed out sin from your heart and to make more room in your heart for the love of God and neighbor.
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A Month with...
A Month with... series offers a month-long set quotes from the writings of St. Francis de Sales, St. Jane de Chantal and St. Leonie Aviat for your prayer and reflection.
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The Lenten Retreat
The Lenten Retreat offers selected writings from the Salesian tradition for every day of the Lenten season.
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The Advent Retreat
The Advent Retreat offers selected writings from the Salesian tradition for every day of the Advent season.
Devotional Brochures
Devotional Brochures is based upon our popular Salesian Perspectives series, Devotional Brochures offer a collection of assorted resources that can provide a focus for prayer, recollection, discussion or reflection in a tri-fold format.
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Praying with Salesian Images
Praying with Salesian Images offer a host of Salesian images (already available elsewhere on our web site under Salesian Images) in a monthly format. We encourage you to print each month’s offerings and to use the image(s) provided for your prayer and reflection for each and every day.
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Forty Hours
Forty Hours offers three homily/reflection templates, one for each evening during the course of the Forty Hours Devotion. Typically, there are three evening reflections given during the course of a Forty Hours Devotion. These three reflections/homilies offered here bring a specifically Salesian perspective to the Forty Hours experience.
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Retreats on the Run
Retreats of the Run offers sets of daily reflections (thirty in all) that can serve as a great way to begin your day. There are six (6) Retreats on the Run, drawn from the writings of: St. Francis de Sales, St. Jane de Chantal, St. Vincent de Paul, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, St. John Bosco and St. Leonie Aviat.
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