Praying with images from St. Francis de Sales
St. Francis de Sales advocated the use of images when preaching, teaching and praying. The De Sales Spirituality Center is delighted to offer a host of Salesian images (already available
elsewhere on our web site under “Salesian Images”) in a monthly format. We encourage you to print each month’s offerings (found below) and to use the image(s) provided for your prayer and reflection for each and every day.
We offer the following preparation/approach in order to glean the most benefit by using these Salesian in prayer:
- Find a place that offers you some quiet.
- Take a moment to be conscious that you are in the loving presence of God.
- Read slowly and prayerfully the reflection offered for the day, until a word or idea touches your heart.
- In the silence of your heart, speak with God about whatever is stirred up in your heart. Stay with this silent prayer for awhile.
- As your prayer-time draws to a close, offer thanks for God’s loving presence with you during this time.
- Take a word or phrase from your prayer-time and turn it over in your heart as you go about the activities of your day. In this way you can remain recollected and focused in the midst of all your activities.