Rev. Patrick J. Kifolo, OSFS

Rev. Patrick J. Kifolo, OSFS

First Profession:
July 15, 2001

Final Profession:
October 9, 2004

January 20, 2007

Parochial Vicar; St. John Neumann; Faculty/School Minister, Salesianum School; Chaplain, Georgetown Visitation

Present Ministry:
Chaplain, Georgetown Visitation – Archdiocese of Washington.

Personality by Pixels

What is your favorite church hymn?  
Make Me a Channel of Your Peace, The Summons, Gift of Finest Wheat.

What book or film remains meaningful for you?  Why?
Dead Poets Society because I've always hoped and dreamed to inspire the young people I work with in some meaningful way.

How do you pray best?   In the morning with a  cup of coffee.

How do you think Salesian humility can make a difference in the world?
When we can be truly honest about who we truly are - about our strengths and weaknesses ... about what we can do and can't do ... about what we have and what we lack ... then we can do as we're called to do and invite others to help do what we can't.

As Pope Francis calls all to live the Gospel with joy, what gives you joy as an Oblate?
Sharing Salesian Spirituality - especially through the personal stories I tell when I preach.

If a young man were to be inspired by your vocation, what would you hope would inspire him?
Simply being a real person and not fitting a mold of what people think a priest or Oblate "should" be.