How to Pray the Rosary

by Saint Francis de Sales


  • Kiss the cross of your chaplet after having signed yourself therewith, and place yourself in the presence of God, saying the Creed.

  • On the first large bead, beg God to accept the service you wish to render Him, and to assist you by His grace to accomplish it worthily.

  • On the first three small beads, implore the intercession of the Sacred Virgin, saluting her on the first as the most cherished daughter of God the Father; on the second, as Mother of God the Son, and on the third, as beloved Spouse of God the Holy Ghost.

  • At each decade think of one of the mysteries of the Rosary according to your leisure, remembering it principally when pronouncing the holy names of Jesus and Mary, with great reverence of heart and body. If any other sentiment should animate you (sorrow for past sin or a purpose of amendment) meditate thereon throughout the chaplet as well as you can, recalling this sentiment or any other that God may inspire in a special manner when murmuring the sacred names of Jesus and Mary.

Saint Francis de Sales then finished off the recitation of the Rosary in a way that is not common to us.

  • On the large bead at the end of the last decade, thank God for having been permitted to recite your chaplet.

  • Passing to the three following small beads, salute the most holy Virgin Mary, entreating her at the first to offer your understanding to the Eternal Father that you may continually consider His mercies; at the second, supplicate her to offer your memory to the Son that your thoughts may constantly turn to His Passion and Death; at the third, implore her to offer your will to the Holy Ghost that it may ever be inflamed with His holy love.

  • On the large bead at the end, beg the divine Majesty to accept all for His glory and the good of His Church, asking Him to keep you ever in its pale and to bring back those who have wandered; pray for your friends, and conclude as you commenced by the profession of faith, the Creed and Sign of the Cross.