Salesian Sunday Reflection
Second Sunday of Lent
February 28, 2021
In today’s Gospel, Peter, James and John experience Jesus being transfigured. St. Francis de Sales notes:
At the Transfiguration God went out of the way to show that Jesus was truly Savior. At that moment, nothing was so desirable for the Apostles as remaining in the presence of Jesus. I assure you that I never stop wishing you countless blessings from heaven, especially that of always being transfigured in Our Lord. Thanks to our Savior, we are climbing Mount Tabor since we are resolved to serve Him and love His divine goodness. We must encourage one another in holy hope. Let us leave our love for lowly things so we can continue faithfully to aspire to the happiness He has prepared for us.
Where could we give better witness to our fidelity to God than during things going wrong? There is a real temptation to become dissatisfied with the world and depressed about it when we must be in it. Yet whether we are immersed in the busyness of worldly events or in solitude, we will encounter difficulties. To think that we can be holy without suffering is a delusion. Where there is more difficulty, there is more virtue. However, if you stumble, do not be upset or ashamed. Instead let us cry out to our Lord and our Lady who will reach out a blessed helping hand to us.
Be like the honeybee. While you are carefully making the honey of holiness, at the same time make the wax of your worldly affairs. For if honey is sweet to the taste of our Lord, wax also honors Him since it is used to make the candles which give light to those around us. Be at peace and walk simply and faithfully along the path that God has marked out for you, and you will walk confidently. Our Savior, who is transfiguring you, has taken you by the hand, and set you on the way to His glory. Let Him be your Guide.
(Adapted from the Writings of St. Francis de Sales.)