Fifth Sunday of Easter (May 14, 2017) — Oblates of St. Francis de Sales

Fifth Sunday of Easter (May 14, 2017)

Today’s Scripture readings tell us much about the new life we have received in baptism. Peter tells us: we are chosen by our God to be a royal priesthood, to be God’s holy people.

We are living stones built on Jesus our cornerstone. As a community, we are to be a spiritual house in which we share in the priesthood of Jesus. With Jesus, we are to offer spiritual sacrifices to praise our God who has called us out of darkness into his wonderful light. We are carrying out one of our priestly duties here this morning as we offer our Father this memorial of Jesus’ death and rising.

We heard Jesus tell us: don’t be anxious about anything. We are to put our faith and trust in him; he is the way and the truth and the life. He is leading us home to his Father’s house where he has prepared a place to us.

The words of Scripture are the living word of God. God is telling us the truth about ourselves, as he created us and redeemed us in Jesus God’s word is also gracing us to live out that truth, as an expression of our thanks.

Today’s Scriptures also remind us that Jesus can be a stumbling block for us at times. The truth Jesus tells us will call us to move beyond our self-interest and concern and reach out in love to everyone who crosses the path of our life. It isn’t always easy to see the people we meet each day as opportunities to love as Jesus loves us. The difficult people we meet offer us a graced opportunity to welcome them into our spiritual house where they can experience God’s loving compassion and mercy through us.

We have been given wonderful gifts by our baptism. Our mission is to use our gifts to do the work of Jesus: to bring our Father’s love to every corner of our world.

Let us be renewed in this Eucharist today, for Jesus comes to fill us more deeply with his life and love. Then he will bless us and send us forth to carry out his mission this week.
