Second Sunday of Easter (April 24, 2022)
John’s recounting of the appearance of the risen Jesus to his disciples is unique.
We’ve just been told that Jesus stood in their midst and showed them his wounds and gave them his peace. The wounds of Jesus bring Thomas to healing faith: “My Lord and my God.”
And we heard Jesus speak to us: “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.”
At the end of his Treatise on the Love of God, St. Francis de Sales reminds us that Calvary is the school of love. The wounds of Jesus reveal to us the extent of his love for us. Jesus took our wounds and struggles and made them his own. From his wounds flowed his sacred blood which washes us clean and give us the fullness of life.
God’s mercy and love are poured out on us in Jesus’ death for us.
Jesus invites us to bring our struggles to him with great faith. Let him take our wounds and struggles into his heart where he can transform them into saving grace for us. He desires to raise us up with him. Jesus will give us his gift of peace in the midst of our struggles.
· He will remind us to stay beneath his cross in our struggles.
· He will encourage us to look into his eyes and see his love for us.
· He will help us to remember that his wounds remained when he rose from the dead.
They have become signs of his love for us. He will invite us to let our wounds become reminders of God’s abiding love with us. Like Thomas, may we have the wisdom to proclaim with deep faith: “My Lord and my God, you are always with me.”