Seventh Sunday Of Easter (May 28, 2017) — Oblates of St. Francis de Sales

Seventh Sunday Of Easter (May 28, 2017)

We have just heard that Jesus is praying for us – the ones who believe that the Father has sent him. And when the apostles returned to Jerusalem after the Ascension, we hear that they are devoted to prayer with one accord. Spending time in prayer allows us to be present to our loving God and receive the strength we need for daily living.

As Peter reminded us, we will have a share in the sufferings of Christ as part of his Body, the Church. He encourages us to rejoice in this sharing, because we will rejoice exultantly when the glory of Jesus is finally revealed.

How can we do this? St. Francis de Sales suggests a daily prayer practice: begin each new action mindful of God’s presence and ask for his grace, so that all we do will be done in God’s name. Then no matter what we encounter, God will help carry us through it, even sufferings. With God’s help, we can keep a peaceful, gentle heart throughout the day.

Today’s Psalm Response provides us with an encouraging prayer: “I believe that I will see the good things of the Lord in the land of the living.”
