St. Francis de Sales wants everyone to understand that he or she is a unique individual. There is no one else like you on this planet. It is as if God broke the mold that resembles you, making it clear that there never was and never again will there be another you. You stand alone as a gift to this world and a person of invaluable worth.
Since we, as individuals, are so distinct, we must assume responsibility by taking our lives into our own hands and handling it with extreme care. When we take the time to cultivate our gifts and uniqueness, we become who God wants us to become.
Our uniqueness flows outwardly from our gifts and talents that help build our self- worth and our self-confidence. While inwardly we become who we are when we realize we are charged with gifts and talents and the splendor of God’s image and likeness.
Our gifts and talents help each person to sing the song that no one else will sing and help everyone dance the dance that no one else will dance. It is here that each of us will be “a witness to the master craftsman who created us.”
Hildegard of Bingen, a saintly mystic, expands De Sales words by adding: “Become who you are, by becoming all that you are. We understand so little of what goes on around us because we don’t use what is within us.” She is writing of grace, the Holy Spirit’s promptings, and God’s nearness.
Hildegard asks that we reflect God’s image and likeness every day, especially through our actions and words. She uses the example of plants receiving the sun’s light and warmth and transforming them into energy and life. In the same way, the divine presence, as creator, connects with us, the created.
When the outward you and inward you connect in this way, Jesus is present in our world and shines through us everywhere we go. And God, our creator is delighted with us, because Jesus his son is seen walking again on this earth.
Alone, we are who we are, but joined with our creator our person takes on that luster of holiness capable of miracles – transforming our small acts into great acts of praise to our God.
God’s image and likeness together with our identity, our gifts and talents, our joys and sorrows are reflected as one.
God be Praised!
Fr. Richard DeLillio, OSFS
This reflection originally appeared in DeSales Weekly, the e-newsletter of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales.
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Father Bill McCandless, OSFS
Oblate Development
Office: 302-656-8529 ext.20