On Tuesday, Fr. Jack Loughan, OSFS, concluded his ministry as Provincial of the Toledo-Detroit Province. The Oblates are grateful for his leadership and service to our community.
Blessed Louis Brisson, OSFS, the founder of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, shared the following inspiration with the first Oblate Community at his First Instruction at the General Retreat in 1894. He said:
“My brothers, the Congregation of the Oblates, today, is you. The Congregation in ten years will still be you; in a hundred years, in two hundred years - if it still exists - it will still be you, yourselves.
Understand that well. It is a heritage that you have received and which you will pass on to others. Let it not deteriorate in your hands! Let us be faithful about carefully preserving it for it is a gift from God. It is a treasure that God has entrusted to us, and it is our obligation to make it productive.”
These words of Blessed Brisson inspire the men of the Toledo-Detroit Province to come together for an Annual Assembly at Camp DeSales every June. We come together to remind ourselves of who we are as Oblates and be inspired in the obligation as instructed by Blessed Brisson of preserving the grace and life of our community.
As you read this, we will be on our last full day together at Assembly 2023, which began on Monday, June 19, and concludes tomorrow, June 23. These Assemblies provide everything from speakers on relevant topics, to discussions on the challenges and successes of living faithfully as Oblates. We address our future as a community, and celebrate the lives of those who have passed from this life this past year and the lives of those celebrating significant anniversaries of vows and ordinations. We have loud social hours filled with laughter, good meals, and most importantly, inspirational and well-done liturgies. Every year we begin with evening prayer on Monday with the quote above from Blessed Louis Brisson. It is read as an inspiration for us and a challenge.
Oblate Frs. Alan Zobler, Mike Newman, Joseph Newman, and Craig Irwin.
Every four years we enter into a process beginning in March and concluding at our Assembly, in which we select new leadership: a Provincial and three Councilors. We have this responsibility this year. By the time you read this, that work will be accomplished. The photo to the right shows the men chosen to lead us for the next term of office.
We will spend today, Thursday, with a presentation by our Superior General, Most Rev. Barry Strong, OSFS, on the state of the Congregation, and conclude with any business items that need to be addressed. Tomorrow we will conclude with breakfast and a morning prayer of departure.
I look forward to these annual get-togethers and know every other Oblate does as well. We are nourished in the spirit of the instruction from Blessed Brisson above, and energized to live another year doing the work of the Church, being faithful to our spiritual life, and continuing to immerse ourselves in the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales and the charism of our community.
Being an Oblate is a wonderful gift and a graced vocation. I know the men of the Toledo-Detroit Province will leave this place tomorrow renewed for ministry, strengthen by the bond of love we share in community, and hearts lifted with the energy, optimism, and joy shared this week.
May God be blessed!
Father Jack Loughran, OSFS
Toledo-Detroit Province
Click here to email Father Jack Loughran, OSFS.