Contagious: Treating COVID-19 Fear with Salesian Hope


So much of what is going on in the world is unknown, and out of our control, which sometimes is difficult for me to accept. I am a person who likes to have a plan for everything. Not only a Plan A, but often a Plan B and C as well. This pandemic has reminded me of how little control I have. While I cannot control the circumstances of the virus and the related disruptions, I can control my reaction to them.

It is so easy to go down a rabbit hole of fear and get drawn into a panic. We should not live our lives in fear and view the world through a negative lens. Focusing on negatives and living in fear is not going to change circumstances; it only makes you and those around you feel worse and often leads to negative habits. Positivity, on the other hand, is just as contagious. As St. Francis de Sales states, “It is wonderful how attractive a gentle, pleasant manner is, and how much it wins hearts.” By leading with gentleness and humility, we can brace this storm together in a much more productive way. If we focus on positives and the things which we can control, we feel better and make those around us stronger. 

I am a wife, mother of two wonderful boys, and a physician assistant. I have found people seeking my opinion on health matters has increased throughout this pandemic. While we do not know all of the specifics about the virus or what treatment options are going to be the best in the long term, I have found the most effective advice I have given has been to heed suggested medical protocols and maintain a perspective on the positives.

Focusing on the extra time with family, self-reflection, maintaining/reconnecting with your faith can change the way we approach each day. It does not take a medical license to provide hope to those around us; this is something we all can do. We have a choice; we can choose fear over hope or hope over fear. Let’s choose hope!


Melissa Brown,  MSPAS, PA-C
DeSales University
Assistant Professor, Physician Assistant Program