DeSales Service Works Open House

You're invited!

Saturday, June 17, 2023

10:00 AM to 8:00 PM

Visit any time!

522 State Street

Camden, NJ 08102

You are invited to visit and participate in all or any part of the day. The schedule below gives the outline of the day. Please fill out the form below to RSVP, as registrations are helpful for the meals—but all are welcome. Throughout the day people will share about their experiences serving in Camden and Kensington—telling the Story of DeSales Service Works and of our service partners.

Join one, two, or all three specific activities during the OPEN HOUSE:

10:00 to noon -SERVICE

Painting and landscaping at Holy Name School, located behind the volunteer house.

12:00 PM - LUNCH

Donated and prepared by our supporters, Liz and Henry Bowers.

1:00 - 4:00 PM - DROP-IN

Throughout the day people will share their experiences serving in Camden and Kensington—telling the story of DeSales Service Works and of our service partners.

4:00 PM - MASS

In gratitude for all who have been a part of DeSales.

5:30 PM - DINNER

Come Hungry!

Pulled pork, chicken, and all the fixings. Donated and prepared by supporters, Liz and Henry Bowers.

Donations Accepted

One purpose of the OPEN HOUSE is to raise funds that will help make the good work of DSW possible. So donations are very welcome. We hope to raise $10,000.00 toward the year’s budget. ($2,000.00 already donated in honor of Anna and Fred Schaper.)


Parking is available on State Street and in the lot across from Holy Name School, 700 North 5th Street, Camden, NJ 08102.


Learn More about DeSales Service Works!

Words of Service Retreat Participants

A student here from Notre Dame here for eight weeks last summer shares about her experience:

This summer in Camden, I had a variety of responsibilities including serving food at a homeless shelter, soup kitchen, and on the streets of Camden and Kensington, performing needed yard work or organization at the homeless shelter, acting as a summer camp counselor for kids in the neighborhood, attending AA and NA meetings, and performing other upkeep tasks around the DeSales house as needed. While these tasks may sound like a lot, they didn’t feel like it. My summer at DeSales was definitely one of the best summers of my life. I met the most kind, humble, strong, happy, fulfilled, self aware, and genuinely wonderful people I have ever met. I am so grateful for the opportunity to integrate myself into the community, even for just 2 months. Camden and Kensington absolutely gave me and taught me more than I could ever bring. My experience taught me to be kind to others always, that everyone has something to give, even when they initially seem to have nothing or very little, and that I am a lot stronger than I thought I was, among countless other lessons. My biggest advice for future students/participants is to fully immerse yourself. Camden and Kensington truly are incredibly powerful. There will be a lot of experiences or opportunities for experiences that may seem uncomfortable or scary, but try to do everything that you can. The summer absolutely flew by, and the best parts were the unexpected or unfamiliar tasks that ended up being so fulfilling and memorable because of the people and stories you encounter along the way. 

Another Notre Dame student shared: 

I went to my final Last Stop meeting and rosary tonight, and it blew me away by how considerate Eddie and Chris  [two leaders AA/NA “club house”] were. During rosary, Eddie gave a special prayer for “the young student that did so much good in Camden and Kensington” and then surprised me with banana splits and my very own cake. The Last Stop means so much to me - it was one of the major spots that had the biggest impact on my learning and service - but in the history of the Last Stop and Eddie, I am but a small blip. He’s had many visiting students, year-long volunteers, and high school groups come through the Last Stop, but still put in effort to make me feel special and seen. I’ve definitely said it before in previous entries, but DeSales and the Last Stop crew are truly the most selfless people I’ve ever met. Every part of their day consists of serving others through the best and worst of times. Addiction communities experience so much death and loss, yet Eddie, Chris, and everyone keep at their work without losing momentum or energy. Their care and consideration for others push me to embody their actions and use my life to help others.