St. Francis de Sales’ most famous work is the Introduction to the Devout Life. It is one of the all-time best-selling spiritual classics. In this book, Francis asks us to lead a life of devotion.
For him, devotion is an internal assessment, which results in outward behaviors, actions, and words. Simply put, devotion is charity or love on fire. The internal assessment he calls for is the why we do what we do or say what we say. What are our motivations, intentions, desires, or purpose.
St. Paul tells us to do the good and to avoid what is evil. Francis de Sales agrees with that command, but adds to it: do the good for the right reasons: do the good out of love and generosity, and because it is in imitation of the loving service of Christ. For love to be devotion, it is done for those reasons, but also Francis adds three adverbs to our good and loving life; he tells us to love readily, willingly, and joyfully.
Choose one of those adverbs at a time to ensure that our good, true and generous Christian living is also more and more devout living.
Live Jesus!
Fr. Matthew Hillyard, OSFS
Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church, Vienna, VA
For further reading on Salesian Spirituality and devotion, please visit our Spirituality resources located here.