Father Crossin, OSFS featured in Arlington Herald

Father John W. Crossin, OSFS

The Arlington Catholic Herald recently ran an article entitled, "Christian unity may not be so far off, says former head of bishops’ ecumenical office.” This features the newest book by Father John W. Crossin, OSFS, Moving into the Ecumenical Future: Foundations of a Paradigm for Christian Ethics. This book was the topic of a talk Father Crossin gave at St. John Neumann Parish (Reston, VA) earlier this month. In the article, Father John is described as "an optimistic ecumenist." From the article: “As an Oblate, Father Crossin’s 50-plus years of formation in the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales certainly contributes to his hopeful stance."

Father Crossin’s book proposes ten pillars for common Christian Ethics and invites dialogue on the topic. He holds a Ph.D. in Moral Theology, served as Executive Director of the Secretariat for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs at the Catholic Bishops’ Conference and has published books and articles on Virtue Ethics and Salesian Spirituality.

Father Crossin will speak on “The Church and the World” on Friday, March 31 at 7:00 pm at St. John Neumann Church, 11900 Lawyers Rd., Reston, VA.

To purchase the book click on: Moving into the Ecumenical Future: Foundations of a Paradigm of Christian Ethics 

Father John W. Crossin, OSFS
