This week's reflection is written by
Rev. Matthew J. Hillyard, OSFS
St. Francis de Sales is noted for the importance of love in his writings, but humility may have been his favorite virtue. Humility is rooted in gratitude to God for all that we have and are. It is also grounded in a healthy honesty about our goodness, value and worth as a beloved son or daughter of God but also of our limits, weaknesses and failings. Humility also asks us to have a good sense of humor to laugh at ourselves and also at life.
I try to exercise during the week. My routine has changed. Instead of strictly running, I now mix up the routine between running and fast walking. I always try to run more than I walk. I describe my new routine as interval training, but the truth is that it is middle age man training. Humility is also accepting life as it unfolds and living gratefully, joyfully and at peace with God, ourselves and life itself.
I remember as a child watching a Sunday morning tv show called the Christophers. The show opened in total darkness and then a match was lighted with the statement, “It is better to light a match than to curse the darkness.” Humility asks us to light matches, laugh often, live well, thank God and be more accepting of ourselves and one another. Remember – Act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with your God.