Jesus’ Voice Soothes: A Message of Comfort

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Before sheltering in place, I was shopping recently at Macy’s department store. While there, I encountered a toddler loudly crying, “Mommy! Mommy!  I want my mommy!”  Surrounding this teary-eyed frightened crying child were other mothers all urgently trying to comfort him.

However, no matter how soothing their words or reassuring their pleas, no one stopped his crying or his unlimited tears.  Everyone kept hearing, “Mommy, I want my mommy!”  Then suddenly we heard, “Peter, Peter, Mommy’s over here.”

At the sound of his name, Peter stopped his crying as he ran in the direction of the voice calling his name.  He jumped into his mother’s arms and they both tenderly hugged each other.  Mommy was definitely the only person Peter needed to see and hear.  They belonged to each other.  They felt safe together and they were at home, even in the large department store!

Watching Peter snuggle in his mother’s arms, I gained an insight into how Jesus wants his voice to touch our everyday lives.  Jesus wants his voice to be the power that soothes in unsafe times, encourages during cloudy days, and provides joy and delight in cheerful moments.

No other voice but Jesus’ alone can manage all these with such gentleness, kindness, and thoughtfulness.  Why? Because Jesus’ words arise from his painful act of dying, rising, and reconciling creation with his Father.  After undertaking all these things without counting the cost to himself, why wouldn’t his love show in every word he speaks?  Love is always pouring from Jesus’ heart anticipating the next moments he can console those he loves. 

This is why Jesus whispers our name no matter the frequency, the place, or the reason.  What delights Jesus most is to see us run as affectionately towards him as Peter did towards his mother.  When we do, Jesus may even hug us while saying, “You are home.  You’re safe.  You belong with me.”  And, like Peter in that huge department store, we too will feel just as safe!

Happy Easter!

Fr. Richard R. DeLillio, OSFS

DeSales Weekly:

DeSales Weekly Editor: Fr. Bill McCandless, OSFS