Catholic Schools Week

From January 29 to February 4, the Church celebrated Catholic Schools Week across the United States.  In a special way, the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, whose patron considered learning to be the “eighth sacrament” of the Church, recognize and value the ministry of education, and in particular, how a Catholic education impacts the world in which we live: from our individual neighborhoods to our nation as whole.  This reality is supported by the Oblates in many educational institutions throughout our two North American provinces: parish schools, high schools, and college campuses, many of which have shared pictures of their celebrations of Catholic Schools Week here.  

When addressing the early Oblates and teachers at St. Bernard School in Troyes, France in 1891, our founder Blessed Louis Brisson, OSFS, acknowledged the importance of a Catholic school education when he told them, “What you are doing is the greatest good that can be produced.  It is the goal of all of the efforts of good people and of the Church itself: to lead education in the ways of Christianity and of conscience.”  Over 130 years later, the Oblates, and those with whom we partner in Catholic education, continue to provide this “greatest good” to young people.  Let us praise and thank our Good God for this gift we share with the Church.

Brother Dan Wisniewski, OSFS

Director of Oblate Education