Father Joseph Newman, OSFS
Vice-President, St. Francis de Sales High School
Presentation Title: Can I be Reached?
Description: When I was a new teacher, I remember asking my mentor, “How do I reach my students?” My mentor looked at me and said, “Joe, that’s the wrong question. You need to ask, - Can you be reached?” This is a presentation on how my students reached me to reveal the divine in my life.
About Father Joe: I am educated and formed by the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales. I grew up as an altar server at a parish with an Oblate in Toledo Ohio. I graduated from an Oblate high school, St. Francis de Sales. I now minister at the same school! I have worked as a teacher, coach, admissions director, and now, vice-president. I love the work of education, it is worth my life.
Father Newman has a Bachelor of Science from DeSales University in Biology and a Masters of Divinity from the University of Toronto. He is a proud graduate of St. Francis de Sales High School, (2003) where he has ministered since 2013.
You can watch a short video of Father Joe sharing his thoughts on his vocation and what it means to Live Jesus here.
Diane Casey, Principal
Presentation Title: Living in the Moment
Description: The journey we are on is relational and we need each other to grow in holiness. We are all children of God and everyone is a reflection of God’s love. Each day is a gift to be experienced and lived to the fullest. Embrace and love the people who are part of your journey and live your Salesian Spirituality as if it was contagious.
About Diane Casey:
I grew up in Delaware County and lived there with my Irish Catholic family of five brothers and four sisters. I am the seventh child. I attended Catholic school until college. My first job out of college was at Northeast Catholic High School in Philadelphia. I thought I would have a short stint here but fell in love with the Oblates, students, and Salesian Spirituality. Twenty-three years later the school closed but the friendships and spirituality were nurtured and embraced.
I ministered as a teacher, activities director, and assistant principal of student affairs at North Catholic. I took a sabbatical when the school closed and received my Master’s certificate in Spiritual Direction from Neumann University. Following my sabbatical, I started working as a theology teacher at Cardinal O'Hara and later as the Assistant Principal of Academic Affairs. Presently I am teaching Theology and am the principal of Saint Mark’s High School in Delaware. I feel I have come full circle when I first walked into Saint Mark’s, a portrait of Saint Francis de Sales was hanging at the entrance. I felt as if I was home.
I am a wife to my devoted husband Mike of 33 years and a mother of four wonderful children (Michael, Meghan, Eddie, and Danny).
I love my life and the gift of spirituality that can be shared with everyone or anyone, on any given day.