Morning Has Broken!

One of my favorite Church hymns is “Morning Has Broken.”  The hymn was written in 1931 but, like many of us, I am most familiar with the 1970s recording by Cat Stevens.

Last week, as the Oblates in North America gathered for their annual meetings, this song kept playing in my mind.   St. Francis de Sales told us that no matter what happens in our lives, every day we must begin anew.  The lyrics of “Morning Has Broken” always remind me of this.  St. Francis taught that "we all have a vocation" - we are all called to. We all have the opportunity to help God as co-creators and to care for the world.

In “Morning Has Broken” the following lyrics seem to summarize this mission:

“Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning, born of the one light, Eden saw play. Praise with elation, praise every morning, God's re-creation of the new day.”

Every day is a new day.  Every day is an opportunity to work with God to keep creating the world.  God’s creative spirit never stops.  Each moment we are here on Earth we are given a chance to begin again, to do something new.

Sister Susan Louise Eder, OSFS, gave the keynote address to the Oblates who gathered at DeSales University.  In her speech about our founders and patrons, she reflected on the first meetings of St. Francis and St. Jane:

“Each of them saw the working of the Holy Spirit in these encounters. They came to discern that they were being called to do something new together. In addition to seeing the grace of God in each other, I am sure they recognized the exceptional character and gifts that each possessed.”

Sister’s reminder about those first encounters between two people who would become friends, founders, and saints is a call for all of us to recognize that it is in our relationships that we can carry out God’s will and do God’s work.  It is in working with one another that we are given a chance to share in God’s creation. 

As we begin a new day, a new month (and for our friends in the business world – a new fiscal year), let us take the opportunity to start all over.  May we do something new this day.  Morning has broken – let’s get to work!

Rev. John A. Kolodziej, OSFS


Wilmington-Philadelphia Province