Nativity Works!

Alex, one of Nativity Prep’s first graduates,   arrived at the Prep just as I pulled up. Recognizing me, he jumped out of his pick-up truck and enthusiastically greeted me. Since his Nativity graduation,  his high school experience at Tower Hill, and time at the  University of Delaware, Alex has become  a father and owner of his own business. I asked what brought him to Nativity.   He replied,  showing me a check,  “I’m here to drop off a donation.” 

At that moment  I knew why I  returned to Nativity Prep, a middle school providing disadvantaged boys a chance for a better future. Nativity works. Alex’s appearance that day at Nativity with a donation was sure proof.  He was grateful and he wanted to give back. 

Through hard work, longer school hours, and many ups and downs, Nativity students turn their lives around.  With patient guidance from a believing and loving faculty, Nativity students like Alex, soon discover the buried grace-filled moment that propels them on the path of achieving. 

This is that breakthrough moment when every Nativity student begins believing in himself. His attitude changes, good habits blossom, faith in self deepens,  and his disposition empowers him to maximize his God-given gifts. Transformation begins. 

This is why Nativity works. Founded by the Oblates in 2003, Nativity Prep offers every student a team approach education. This involves students, faculty, parents, Oblates, and donors -  together they offer students every opportunity needed to discover and expand their individual gifts. Nativity Prep is a life-giving place where gifts flourish in its classrooms every day.

A  few results:   Nativity alumnus and University of Notre Dame graduate,  Jahaziel  Valenzo, is fulfilling his dream of becoming an Energy Modeler for Alliantgroup.  Now living in Houston, Texas, Jahaziel is a member of this national consulting company. He writes:  I promise to stay in touch with Nativity, which quite frankly, gave me my very first opportunity to succeed and revealed my unlimited potential. Because of this support, the sky’s the limit. 

While here in Wilmington, Malachi Chandler, a 2020 graduate, is presently pursuing his high school diploma at Archmere  Academy, hoping to fulfill his dream of becoming a Graphic Designer. Remembering his days at Nativity, he writes of his teachers even though they were my teachers at Nativity, we were all family.

This past spring as the pandemic gripped our nation, Nativity Prep sent eight happy graduates to various local private secondary schools. Salesianum admitted five.  The above stories of Alex, Jahaziel, Malachi, and our new graduates are all the reasons I returned to Nativity.

Nativity works. It changes lives. Nativity isn’t the full answer to the problems we face, but it is a small piece. Working with the Nativity family, we all can make a difference, one student at a time. It may sound like a slow process -  but Nativity works.


Richard DeLillio, OSFS

First Nativity Prep President (2004-2010)