Oblate Bringing Help To Haiti

Watch Philadelphia’s CBS News story on Fr. Tom: Northeast Philadelphia priest working to help Haiti after recent earthquake.

The Oblates are proud of our brother, Fr. Tom Hagan, OSFS, who has been serving the people of Haiti for over three decades. He founded Hands Together in 1986 after bringing college students on a service trip to the poor country. Today, Hands Together runs 15 schools, health care clinics, an elderly outreach and housing program, water well-digging projects, and other food and health programs.

Just as he did after the devastating earthquake in 2010, Fr. Tom will help the people of Haiti mourn their dead and rebuild their lives. Fr. Tom was in the U.S. raising funds for his mission work when the 7.2 magnitude quake hit on August 24th. He is in the process of getting back into the country so he can continue his good work.

The Oblates’ Chablais Mission Fund supports Oblate missionary work in Central America, South America, India, and Africa. To learn more about the Oblates’ mission work, see the recent edition of DeSales World newsletter.

Please pray for the people of Haiti, Fr. Tom and all those working to help in this relief effort.