Prepare the Way of the Lord!

Prepare the Way of the Lord

The ministry of that strange, eccentric but intriguing character, John the Baptist, always highlights the second Sunday of Advent.  His voice and ministry fulfill Isaiah’s prophecy of the one who prepares the way of the Lord.

For me the ministry of John underlines a fundamental characteristic of Christian discipleship.  His was a fiery voice that spared no feelings.  He saw his task in simple and direct terms:  to lead people to conversion in the purifying waters of the Jordan, thereby readying them for the coming Messiah.

He did what needed to be done and said what needed to be said at that time and place to prepare and smooth the way for others to Jesus.  That’s our task as well.

Faith in Jesus is continually bombarded by obstacles on the road of life.  As just the latest example of such obstacles, whose faith in Jesus as provident and caring has not been shaken at least a little by the harmful effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the health, finances, relationships and so much more of so many people? 

Health and age-related issues, strained relationships, hurtful words, broken promises –things like these are bumps on the road to Jesus for all of us at one time or another.

At those times we need a John the Baptist to help smooth the road for us with a kind word, a helping hand, a ready shoulder or just a friendly presence.  Those little kindnesses are, at those moments, the face, the hands, the heart and the presence of Jesus for us.

But we too need to become John the Baptist for others as well, doing whatever we can to lessen the pain, shore up the faith, heal the hurt or just be a friendly presence in the life and faith of others.

Jesus welcomed the preparations that John made to smooth the way for others to encounter him as Messiah and Lord. 

The voice and the ministry of the Baptist have now been entrusted to us.  During these brief but hectic weeks of Advent, let’s do our best in largely small but truly helpful ways to smooth the road for others and help prepare them for the coming of the Lord!


V. Rev. Lewis S. Fiorelli, OSFS
Wilmington-Philadelphia Province

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This reflection originally appeared in DeSales Weekly, the e-newsletter of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales. 

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