Poor St. Peter! He has just received very high praise and a new name, “Rock,” for his beautiful profession of faith in Jesus, “You are the Christ, Son of the Living God.” Just two brief verses later, however, Jesus is hurling his harshest criticism at him: “Get behind me, Satan!”
What just happened?
Jesus had just reminded Peter and the other disciples of his impending sufferings and death in Jerusalem. That was too much for Peter: “God forbid, Lord! This shall never happen to you.”
As if calling Peter, “Satan,” were not enough, Jesus goes further, naming him a stumbling block to his saving mission: “You are a hindrance to me; for you are not on the side of God, but of men” (Matthew 16: 21-23).
On the human level, Jesus must have found his impending crucifixion just as difficult to embrace as Peter suggests (“on the side of men.”) Still, since it is God’s will for him as Savior (“on the side of God”), he chooses to continue his journey to Jerusalem and embrace whatever waits for him there. Just when Jesus most needed the support and encouragement of his friends and disciples, Peter pulls back.
One moment Peter gets it all so right; the next moment he gets it all so wrong!
Still, Peter was humble enough to accept the criticism received and to journey right along with Jesus to Jerusalem. Would he have preferred another sort of Messiah, not a suffering one but a triumphant one? Who wouldn’t? Yet, he so loved Jesus that where Jesus went, Peter followed, however reluctantly.
Isn’t Peter’s story often ours as well? We prefer roses without the thorns, a happy life without pain, and so on. Yet, we follow a crucified Savior who linked discipleship to carrying one’s crosses daily, as Jesus did and as Peter learned to do.
When the life’s road gets rough, turn to Peter for help. Weak and wobbly as he could often be, he got it right in the end. So can we.
God be Praised!
V. Rev. Lewis S. Fiorelli, OSFS
This reflection originally appeared in DeSales Weekly, the e-newsletter of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales.
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