“Respect the Soul of Your Students” 

I have always been struck by these words of Father Brisson, “Respect the Soul of Your Students.”  Although those words were originally addressed to Oblate teachers, the Founder wanted the spirit of those words to guide all Oblates in every manner of apostolate, from education to parish ministry, to missionary efforts and to all others forms of ministry as well. 

Blessed Louis Brisson was first and foremost a pastor of souls.  As such, he wanted his Oblates to view their apostolates as arenas in which to nourish not only the mind but also the heart and the soul of all those they serve.  By doing so, he wanted Oblates to prepare men and women to be happy and successful in this life and fully prepared to live with God forever in the next life. 

Thus, inspired by the words and especially by the example of our holy Founder, we Oblates take special care to nourish the spiritual lives of all those we serve.  We want them to be caring, competent, and responsible citizens of this world, as well as Christians who, heeding the universal call to holiness, embrace the devout life! 

Fr. Lewis Fiorelli, OSFS

Former Provincial of the Wilmington- Pennsylvania Province