Over the past ten years, Salesianum School, Padua Acadamy (part of the Oblate parish, St. Anthony of Padua) and Ursuline Acadamy in Delaware have partnered annually to coordinate a powerful fundraising event called SALSTHON (Students About Life Saving). The collaboration is headed by the Student Councils from each school and to date has raised a remarkable $1,400,000 for local non-profit organizations, including The Delaware Center for Homeless Veterans, Child Inc., The B+ Foundation, SL24: Sean's House, St. Patrick’s Center, Limen House, AI DuPont Children’s Hospital and The Summer Collab.
This year, the students announced that The Ronald McDonald House of Delaware (RMHDE) is the SALSTHON 2023 beneficiary and together have set their sights on an impressive $175,000 fundraising goal.
To choose the beneficiary for SALSTHON, the Student Councils research and present options focusing on foundations that are in need and where the money raised will be the most impactful. After interviewing the nonprofits and much consideration, students agree on one foundation. This year, when speaking with RMHDE and touring the facilities, the students felt a deep connection between the mission of the foundation and Salesian Spirituality.
Pam Cornforth, President and CEO of RMHDE; Brian Reed, whose family was a beneficiary of RMHDE, and members of Salesianum's Student Council (L-R): Jake Randall '23, William "Deuce" Mutts '23; Colin McGhee '23, Nate Gambol '23 and Jack Gormley '23.
As SALSTHON faculty liaison Ms. Alison Hildenbrand said, “The joy and optimism that emanates from RMHDE has a real connection to Salesian Spirituality and the teaching of Saint Francis de Sales. The foundation is dedicated to creating a place that is happy and optimistic for families who are going through difficult times.”
If this year’s fundraising goal is met, RMHDE will be able to fill its financial need to be able to continue to provide meals for families staying with them. If students are able to surpass the goal, those funds will go towards updating the accommodations and furnishings at the housing facilities.
Salesianum’s Student Council President Jack Gormley ‘23 is passionate and enthusiastic about this year's effort. He said, “It is through efforts like this that we as students are able to highlight how Saint Francis’ teaching lives inside of us every day and in all that we do. We are really able to show that we live these teachings when we can put them into action in the real world and do something really special to help others. Through this effort we show our true selves, being who we are and being that well. We don’t shy away from obstacles, even though it is not easy. We are here to work on something really special and continue to live out Salesian Spirituality in our communities.” He went on to express how he and his fellow council members hope that this can be the start of a partnership with RMHDE and Salesianum as they have already identified ways that students can volunteer at the foundation and have brainstormed other fundraising options for the future.
From now until March 18th, students from all three Salesian schools are joining forces to raise funds through various outlets, including direct donation solicitations, sponsoring “dress down” days, social events and athletic tournaments. Finally, on the evening of March 18, the fundraising efforts culminate at the spirited SALSTHON overnight dance held at Salesianum where the highly anticipated reveal of the official total dollars raised occurs.
To learn more about SALSTHON here.
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