Saint Joseph, Strong and Silent

Saint Joseph

March 19 is the feast day of that Saint Joseph.

We often hear about “the strong silent type,” in describing a man of great character.  That description fits Saint Joseph perfectly.  He does not say one word in all of scripture, but his actions speak for him, and beautifully!

When he learns of Mary’s pregnancy, for instance, his instincts are not to condemn her but to protect her and her reputation by “divorcing her quietly.” And as soon as he learns in a dream of the heavenly origin of her conception, he readily believes and immediately takes her as his wife.  Mary’s “fiat!” was spoken aloud to the angel, while his is spoken, not in words, but in the actions of a compassionate and kind, loving and good man. 

At those times when we may be tempted to jump to conclusions about the actions of others, presuming not the best but the worse motives, let’s recall the example of Joseph.  How differently would the story of the “Holy Family” have unfolded if that good man of few words had presumed the worst in Mary and doubted the words and inspirations of an angel?  

As a nation, we have recently witnessed many examples of incivility in the words and actions of some of our fellow citizens.  We have too often seen differences of points of view divide, leading quickly to angry words and, at times, even physical violence.  There is another, a better way.  And Saint Joseph shows us that way, not in words but in the quiet, healing and caring actions of someone who has learned from his faith how to be both just and merciful in all his interactions with others -- quick, not to judge, but to give the other the benefit of the doubt. 

And think of how relieved and comforted Mary must have felt to find in gentle Joseph so strong and caring an acceptance.  She now had a life partner with whom to share the strange and wonderful adventure of parenting Jesus, Immanuel, God-with-us!

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Father Lewis S. Fiorelli, OSFS