
Advent Love

When thinking about joy, I distinguish it from happiness.  Here, too, I want to distinguish love from like.   Because of my own human frailty and temperament, there are some people who I struggle to like.  The situation usually has more to do with me than the other person.  A dear friend once told me that if I like someone, that person can do anything, and it would be fine with me.  But, if I dislike someone, the smallest thing she/he did that I find unacceptable would be catastrophic.  I want to believe that I have improved upon this significantly.  It has often been said that we don’t have to like everyone, but we are called to love everyone.  I think this has something to do with the fact that “love is of God.”

In his remarkable 10-DVD series Catholicism, Robert Barron defines love as “willing the good of the other as other.”  That is wanting what is best for another simple because they are other and not for what it could do for me.  The “good” that I will for him would be to know God more fully, so that his heart would change and the violence cease.  Whether we can see the image and likeness of God in others does not take away this presence within another.  Perhaps our love for another can make this clearer, more recognizable.

We must love because it has been mandated by Jesus.  Further, he takes this love to the highest level, “Love one another as I have loved you.”  This is a love that is total, complete, infinite, without merit, always on display, non-judgmental and a free gift.   We get a clear glimpse of this in spousal love, in parental love, and in the love shared between the best of friends.  Perhaps the best manifestation of this love is in prayer where we sit in total acceptance of the One who smiles on us, seeing us as so deserving of God’s infinite love even when this utterly amazes us.   Richard Rohr wrote, “Most of us were taught that God would love us if and when we change.  In fact, God loves you so that you can change.  What empowers change, what makes you desirous of change is the experience of love.  It is that inherent experience of love that becomes the engine of change.”  We must love because love is of God.  To love as God loves is indeed a very tall order.  We need great patience in this task for we are of God but not God.  So, our love is a process and somewhat imperfect.  Thus, Saint Francis de Sales often reminded people that perfection consists not in being perfect but in trying to be perfect.  It’s all in the trying.  What makes this doable speaks to Rohr’s point by letting God love us first.   For de Sales, this was a no-brainer, especially recognizing his favorite scripture was the Song of Songs, one great love song where the lover woos the beloved.  God takes the initiative because God wants to be with us, embracing us, holding and kissing us, the beloved.  We read in scripture, “See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God.  Yet so we are.  The reason the world does not recognize us is that it did not know Him.  Beloved, we are God’s children now; what we shall be has not yet been revealed.  We do know that when it is revealed we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is” (1 John 3: 1-2).

Advent love reminds us of this promise yearly that we may fortify our efforts to love others as Christ has loved us.  It enables us to be loved fully and completely, warts and all.  It grounds us in a place of humility before God, so that in Salesian thought, we may be gentle toward others.  We are loved infinitely, so that we may, in turn, wish this for all others.  To love another is to will the good of the other as other.  “To love another person is to see the face of God,” as proclaimed in the epilogue of Les Misérables.

Advent love is a beautiful baby, born homeless in a manger, who shepherds and kings traveled to worship in awe but selected a different way home.  So too, our lives must change direction once we have met the Savior, the Prince of Peace, the author and sustainer of love.  It’s now a life of love.

Father John Fisher, OSFS


Our Mother of Consolation Parish

Philadelphia, PA

Final Preparations

Immaculate Conception Church, Wilmington, NC. Photo by Justine Deitz, 2021.

This week many students are wrapping up their semester with projects, papers, and final exams. There are websites and media posts dedicated to helping students successfully “cram” for the final weeks of school.  The internet offers various ways to help a student navigate these stressful final days before Christmas Break.

As a faith community, we are moving into the final week of the Advent season and our preparations for the fullness of the Christmas season.  Like a student in December, we may feel worried, stressed, and overwhelmed that Christmas is almost here.  We may feel that we have not done enough on our Advent journey to prepare our homes and our hearts for the season of the Nativity.   

Perhaps we have not prayed as much as we had hoped. Maybe we did not light our Advent wreath as faithfully as we had wanted or maybe we did not get to Church as frequently as we had desired.  Our inaction may lead us to believe that it is too late to ignite the spirit of the Advent season or we may be tempted to “cram” the final week of Advent with extra prayers, devotions and services to somehow “make-up” for our late start of the Christmas cycle.  This does not always turn out well.  We wind up replacing the stress of shopping and decorating with the stress of praying and spiritually preparing. Either way, we are overwhelmed. 

A core message of the Christian faith is that it is never too late.  At the birth of His Son, God gave the world a second chance.  The Nativity of Our Lord is a new beginning for all of creation.  In his message at the Angelus in early December, Pope Francis reminded us, “Let us remember one thing:  with Jesus, there is always the possibility of beginning again.  It is never too late.  And let us not let this Advent go by like days on the calendar, because this is a moment of grace, a grace for us too, here and now.  There is always the possibility to begin again.  Be courageous.  Jesus is near to us.” 

Since Christmas Day falls on a Sunday this year, the Fourth Week of Advent gives us a full seven days to prepare our homes and our hearts.  Saint Francis de Sales tells us that “God will lead us to perfection one step at a time.”   During these final days of Advent, we are aware of how much we still must do to welcome Christ more completely into our lives.  We are acutely aware of our struggles, our stresses and our lack of perfection.  Let us follow the advice of Saint Francis and take things one day at a time, one step at a time.  

Christmas comes, ready or not.  The celebration of the birth of Jesus comes, no matter the season or state of our hearts, even when we are not always ready to receive him.  The Christmas song “O Little Town of Bethlehem” reminds us that, “No ear may hear his coming, but in this world of sin, where meek souls will receive him, still the dear Christ enters in.”  Christmas comes amid the darkness, the grief and the sins of this life. Christ is born for all of us. Christ is reborn in all of us.  May our preparations, no matter how much or how little, lead us to open our hearts and let the Lord enter into our lives.

Reverend Jack Kolodziej, OSFS


Wilmington-Philadelphia Providence

Advent Joy

I do not know a person who does not want to be happy.  After all, who wants to be sad or miserable? At the same time, we recognize that we cannot always be happy.  Happiness is a feeling that can easily be fleeting.  It can also be taken away by another person or situation.

Joy is entirely different.  Joy is that deep-seated conviction that you are in a profound relationship with the Other and all others.  It is that assurance that you are not alone, that you are deeply cared for, accepted and loved.  It is liberating in that there is no proving to do, just a dwelling in being valued and cherished.  Joy centers, guides and grounds another regardless of the situation.  

Joy is always reachable and equally enjoyable alone or in the company of those who are the source of this joy.  Philly fans were greatly surprised and pleased that the Phillies surpassed all expectations in making it to the World Series.  Whether you were one of the 43,000 watching them win the National League pennant at Citizens Bank Park, gathered with others at Xfinity Live or another venue, or watched the game alone from home, the same joy was shared by those watching the Fightins.  From the diehard fan to the recent bandwagon enthusiast, joy connected us, brought us together and resonated within that everything else can be exciting and enjoyable when shared with others.  Joy connected us, gave us a sense of belonging, and another reason to believe that life is good, and we must work together to get along, heal the ills of society and help to build that Kingdom of God such as God envisions it.  

Many things awaken the joy within us whether it be the beautiful smile of a little baby, the innocence of kids playing and enjoying each other running from here to there, your child hitting the buzzer beater in double overtime or the enjoyment realized when lovers silently gaze in the eyes of the other sensing complete acceptance and oneness.  The most difficult aria sung so perfectly, the enjoyment of the most spectacular performance on stage, the full moon lighting up the ocean for miles silently bringing home peace and beauty, the evening sunset complete with hues of many colors that spark thanksgiving for another day in the presence of God, loved ones and friends all bring joy to the fore.  

My heart is alive and full when in the company of nephews and nieces celebrating the holidays, a family wedding and the annual vacation down the shore.  Joy is on display in an unbreakable intimacy that is gifted by God who is the source of all this goodness.  That same joy is profoundly present when alone reflecting on God’s presence especially as it is wonderfully manifested in family, friends and any other relationship we have membership.

Such joy wants to be shared and realized with sisters and brothers we don’t know: those lost on the streets or through addiction, those fleeing family and home for a better life, those displaced by war, our brothers and sisters not recognized for who they are, those denied freedom or what justice demands they should possess.

Advent Joy visits us yearly to remind us that we must work to achieve the peaceable kingdom, beat swords and spears into instruments of productivity, fill in the valleys of poverty and need, make straight the paths for those struggling, look for the desert and parched land exulting, and welcome the God who removes our guilt, comes with recompense, to give sight to the blind, hearing to those deaf, tremendous mobility to the lame who journey to the mountain singing for joy and then to a stable to adore and give homage to the Prince of Peace.

Joy readily sustains us in prayer where we are alone with the Lone to the point we desire more readily the time when this will be forever in heaven.  Likewise, joy empowers us during sadness and sorrow to persevere for we go to that Center who can only love, guide and protect us, who assures us of His presence, that He will never abandon us, and that His will for the world will come to fruition.  

Sitting in that realization, letting it take over, we contemplate the Divine within us and resolve to see that in others, all others and the world.  From that Center, we reinvigorate ourselves that the world has a purpose and our humanity has such tremendous dignity in being co-creators to bring forth the Reign of God until that final consummation, where symphonies are all finished, and when hearts are no longer restless for they are all resting in eternity where our awe will be beyond imagination or comprehension for we see the face of God that always looked upon us with approval, understanding, satisfaction and incomparable JOY.

Father John Fisher, OSFS


Our Mother of Consolation Parish

Philadelphia, PA

Advent Hope

Hope is the sense that what we desire or long for is possible.  It’s an ardent feeling that things will turn out for the best.  With this in mind, hope is the great motivator that keeps us going in difficult and stressful times.  I consume as little news as possible these days as I cannot tolerate the fighting and the hostility that is prevalent in our world.  It gets sadder to realize that this has overflowed into our church in some respects.  My hope is that if we keep doing what we believe to be God’s will for the world each day, this can become contagious and others may do likewise. 

This is not to assume a position of self-righteousness, for humility grounds us always to know that whatever we do comes from God and that we rely on God’s grace, mercy and presence at all times. Instead, it is a mindset that comes from a relationship with the Creator to whom we belong, who wills us to make a difference in some way.  So, in the midst of so much negativity, we aim to do our part to make the world a bit kinder and gentler.  Hope seems to demand an idea of what we lost, of what we would like to see restored or of what God has in mind.  It is the desire to persevere to where we see ourselves putting God as the center of our very being and all that we do.  It’s knowing that we cannot think of living, loving and doing apart from God.  

Hope is that day when all people will have what justice demands, be accepted and loved for who they are, and be free to worship, love and live without fear, rejection or ostracization.  It is living until we see that there is no one outside our circle of intimacy but all enjoying being embraced by God. 

Personally, hope is fidelity to the present moment.  It is a recognition that God has given me another day, another chance, another opportunity to allow him to take hold of me where I will not let go.  Tenui nec dimittam was Saint Francis de Sales’ motto, “I have taken hold and will not let go.”  Each day’s hope is that we will let go a bit more, trust in God a whole lot more and better imagine Him today than we did yesterday.  But as I write that, I am reminded that it’s not about our accomplishment, our proving to God, but rather our emptying ourselves and allowing God to do for us, to love us where and how we are.  

It’s a confidence that God will not give up (has taken hold and won’t let go) and we grow daily in embracing, living and sharing this incredible and infinite love God has for us.  Knowing this in a humble way, leads us to wish this and to work for this for others. Gradually, the world becomes more loving as we continue to go out to those in need, recognizing they belong to us as brother and sister, and we belong to them.  Most importantly, we all belong to God. Hope brings us to a bond of belonging and kinship.  Hope is recognizing God in others rather than what separates us from one another.

Hope is not wishful thinking.  It has some evidence that propels us to want more completion, consummation and fulfillment.  It may not be realized fully until our God calls us home to be with Him for eternity.  But that invitation finds acceptance in the here and now.  

Hope is seen in one’s charity to another.  It is a prayer uttered for those whom we do not know personally but realize they are hurting, suffering, alone or forgotten.  It’s seeing a parent not giving up on their child.  It’s a little kid donating his piggy bank to an elderly couple who risk being evicted.  It’s crying when we know things should be different, better and then resolving to do whatever we can to see this happens.  It is “staying” with another, with our Church, with our sinful self, accepting continuously God’s presence, mercy and unmerited, unconditional love. Hope is “seeing the one beholding us and smiling” (Anthony de Mello, SJ).  

A little hope goes a long way.  Some days it is all we need to get by.  Let us hope in God, in God’s plan for us and the world, and in our ability to do our part.  Hope is “thy will be done” implying “our will be gone.”  Hope is “taking hold and not letting go.”

Father John Fisher, OSFS


Our Mother of Consolation Parish

Philadelphia, PA

Christmas Moments, Stories & Carols

No other season quite brings as much excitement and anticipation as Christmas does.  No other season seems to be as busy as the Christmas season.  Even though many of us have been shopping, decorating and planning for weeks, once the calendar turns to the last page, the pressure to enjoy “the most wonderful time of the year” is even more intense.  With the arrival of December, the countdown to holiday shopping, decorating, baking and entertaining takes on a new urgency.

Despite the cheerful songs and Hallmark movies, for many people, this season can turn into “the most stressful time of the year.”  The added anxiety and pressure to plan the “perfect holiday” can actually cause us to miss the real meaning and beauty of the season.

Many of us are familiar with the forty-year-old classic film A Christmas Story.  Throughout the movie, Ralphie and his family are so concerned about the trappings and details of Christmas, that the setbacks and struggles they encounter during the days of December almost ruin their celebrations.  It is only on Christmas night, with the children in bed and Mom and Dad finally relaxing in the glow of the tree lights, that they seem to really appreciate the moment. 

Saint Francis de Sales was not thinking of department stores or dogs ruining Christmas dinner when he preached about dealing with the circumstances of life.  However, he certainly understood the challenges of living in the world and dealing with the ups and downs of relationships.  His emphasis on the present moment was something he suggested we follow all year long, in season and out of season, not just during the weeks of December. 

The holiday season is a time when we usually connect with family, friends and neighbors.  This is something many of us cherish and enjoy.  However, it is also a time to be aware of everyone around us – especially the poor, the lonely, the outcast and those that others ignore.  The Scriptures last weekend reminded us to “stay awake.”  If we focus on the here and now, if we are attentive to the needs of our neighbor, we can appreciate and help all of God’s children.  We can recognize the light of Christ in each person and see the amazing opportunities that surround us each day. 

In the novel, A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, the miserly Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by three spirits on Christmas Eve: the Ghost of Christmas Past, the Ghost of Christmas Present and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.  Each spirit helps Scrooge to appreciate life and inspires him to be transformed into a generous and caring man, a true man for all seasons, a man for others.  The story ends with Scrooge declaring: “I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year.  I will live in the past, present and future.  The spirts of all three shall live within me.” 

During these weeks of December, if we look around us and live in the present, we will not only honor Christmas, but we will enjoy it.

Reverend Jack Kolodziej, OSFS


Wilmington-Philadelphia Providence

Advent Little Virtues

The practice of the Little Virtues is a large part of the reason I became a Daughter of St. Francis de Sales.  Focusing on these virtues freed me from the need for absolute perfection and allowed me to shift my attention to the small things I could do from day to day to move me closer to a life of devotion. 

The season of Advent is a good time to review where we stand in relation to the little Salesian virtues.  In particular, it is good to consider those virtues which seemed to be lacking in Bethlehem when a young woman, heavy with her first child, sought shelter with her husband after a long and dusty journey: kindness, hospitality, generosity and thoughtful concern for others.

The baby, who was then born in a manger, later gave an unambiguous teaching about kindness, hospitality, generosity and compassion in Matthew 25 when he said, “Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.  For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”

It is easy to become overwhelmed with the needs of the world when we follow the news.  As individuals, we have little impact on big problems like world hunger or violence.  But Saint Francis de Sales offers us wise guidance when he says, “Great occasions for serving God come seldom, but little ones surround us daily.”  Another great saint, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, said, “Spread love everywhere you go, first of all in your house.  Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to a next-door neighbor.  Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier.”

What are some of the ways to practice the Little Virtues during this Advent season?  Offer to cuddle a young mother’s baby for an hour so she can take a nap or go for a walk.  Compliment the harried cashier at the grocery store.  Check on someone you haven’t seen at Mass recently.  Make a batch of cookies and take them to the police department.  Walk across the street and visit the lonely old lady who lives there.  Call a friend or family member you haven’t spoken to for a while.  Switch lanes so another driver can safely merge into traffic.  Offer to shop for groceries or bring a meal to someone recovering from illness or surgery.  Gather a few friends to sing Christmas carols at a nursing home.

Who knows?  You may actually be ministering to Jesus himself as you put the Little Virtues into practice.

Sue Roth

Daughter of St. Francis de Sales

Consecrated 4/10/2011

Advent Begins

An Advent song by Father John Foley, SJ, has this refrain: “Patience, people, till the Lord is come.”  Patience is one of the Little Virtues of Saint Francis de Sales, the other virtues include gentleness, humility, patience, simplicity, good-naturedness, tenderness towards our neighbor, bearing their imperfections, etc.  

We need patience because Advent is a time of waiting: to celebrate Christmas, to give birth to Christ this year by the way we live, and to deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ.  Many of us have a hard time waiting.  I lived with a priest who prayed, “Lord, give me patience and give it to me now.”  His prayer defeated its purpose because patience is defined as “the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset” (Oxford Languages online).  There was no tolerance for delay in my confrère’s prayer.

Our Liturgy gives us Advent to prepare to celebrate Christmas.  It is a time of anticipation, a time to wait to celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ in time many years ago.  Advent readings offer images of what will happen when the Christ, the Messiah, comes: valleys filled, hills made low, rough ways made smooth, the blind given sight, the deaf given hearing, the ill, mute and lame given healing, prisoners freed, debts forgiven, enemies made friends, and all peoples dwelling together on God’s holy mountain.  What a vision!  Especially when we consider the times in which we live where what divides and separates us seems more the focus than what unites us as God’s people.  And so Advent is counter-cultural.  We’re already celebrating Christmas with our trees, decorations, lights, music, shopping and more, but we’re called to wait with patience.  

Blessed Louis Brisson, OSFS, tells us that, “Advent means ‘coming.’  This time is set aside to prepare for Christmas,” which is the first great Advent when Christ became a human being to reconcile us with God.  He goes on to say, “The second advent of Our Lord is made in our hearts.  Every time that we have a good thought, every time that we take the Good God with us…” (Cor ad Cor, p.  11).  In other words, Advent is also about making Christ known today in clear and tangible ways.  So our songs, decorations, shopping and partying need not take away from Advent waiting and patience.

While these things are expressions of our love and care for those in our lives, when Christ comes, we are able to express our oneness as children of God on God’s holy mountain.  When we practice the love that God is and Christ made visible for us, we take the Good God with us and make God known today.  When we gather to celebrate the goodness of life, faith and love-made-flesh, we make the “Little Virtues” known and they can make a big difference in how we view ourselves and others as precious in the sight of God.  When we take time to be with those in need or take to give gifts of clothing, food, money, and presence to our sisters and brothers, we imitate Jesus’ care for all people.  When we visit family, friends, neighbors, and strangers, Christ is with them because we take the Good God with us.  And, in my experience, Christ comes to us in clear ways because of this welcome and gratitude.  When we work for systemic change so that injustice and oppression are less and inclusivity and egalitarianism are more, we challenge ourselves and our world to live the promises we hear in our Advent readings and we make God’s ways known in practical and clear ways.

Living the second Advent which Blessed Louis speaks about requires that we take time out to pray, to be with the Lord whose coming we celebrate.  We need to stop, be quiet, listen for God’s voice, share our hearts and minds with God in prayer, and wait for the response that will empower us to “Live Jesus” every Advent day and beyond.  

So I invite you to consider this prayer exercise each Advent day.  Make it your own 5-10 minute Advent calendar where you open the door of your mind and heart to discover how Christ can be known through you:

  • First, close your eyes and quiet yourself.  

  • Second, breathe deeply and let your breath and God’s breath unite.  

  • Third, ask Jesus “How can I make you known today?” Review your day and look for opportunities to do just that.  

  • Fourth, choose one of those activities and do it.  Take the Good God with you or pledge to see Jesus Christ in someone else.  

  • Fifth, take a deep breath and say, “Thank you for being with me.  Give me the patience to do your will.” 

Then, not only will you see Advent as the time to celebrate Christ’s first coming years ago.  You will also see Christ coming to you and through you each day until Christmas and beyond.

Father Paul Colloton, OSFS

Superior, De Sales Centre Oblate Residence

Childs, MD

Advent Faith

For me, faith has always been confidence or trust in another.  I have faith in the mechanic who works on my car, the nurse to give me the correct medicine, the driver approaching who will stop at the red light, the person speaking with me is telling the truth, and that most people are genuinely fair, kind, and good.  In the Old Testament, people put their faith in God, His leaders, and His plan of freeing them from slavery, bringing them back from sin and promising a Messiah. 

The long-awaited Savior would gather the lost tribes (scattered because of sin), cleanse the temple (by making himself the new temple to seek forgiveness, become holy and offer right praise), defeat the enemy (sin, not hostile nations) and reign as Lord of all nations (a reality realized but in need of being accepted daily).   Some leaders had flaws, some people doubted, complained, or strayed, but through it all, God kept His promises by forgiving and renewing His covenant time and time again.  

In the New Testament, disciples left their livelihoods and family to follow this itinerant preacher who spoke not of vengeance, judgment and punishment but forgiveness, love, mercy and turning the other cheek.  They put their nascent faith in Jesus as he embraced children, loved the poor, dined with sinners and kept company with prostitutes, tax collectors and sinners.  He sought the last, the least, the lost and the lonely.  Richard Rohr noted that empathy for the victim became the most subversive element in Jesus’ teaching.  And while he cured the sick and forgave sins, he always spoke of the Father’s will, their relationship and invited all into this intimacy. 

More spectacular than restoring sight to the blind, hearing to those deaf and freeing those paralyzed and suffering from various ailments was Christ highlighting for others their faith which may have been unknown or latent.  Awakening this gift of faith invited them into a right relationship with Jesus and set them on the road to eternal life.  “Faith seems to be the attitude that Jesus most praises in people, maybe because it makes hope and love possible” (Jesus’ Alternative Plan, p.19).

The Messiah accomplished all four goals and continues to intercede on our behalf welcoming us back when we turn away with a sense of entitlement, cleansing our inner temple of the Holy Spirit by reminding us of his unconditional love and never giving up on us, defeating the enemy of sin, racism, hatred, bigotry, selfishness and the like with His grace and our cooperation and reigning as Lord of all nations of Heaven and Earth.  This is our faith.

 As I write this, I wake to a story of five people killed in an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs with more than twelve injured.  Club Q was the one safe haven in a community known for its anti-gay activism.  A misguided young man takes this away with his hate crime.  That same night, two men were stopped in New York, one wearing a Nazi armband, in connection with threats to attack a New York synagogue.  Faith sustains us in these moments to continue building the reign of God on Earth, that is, the world as God envisions it.  Faith empowers us to proclaim God as Lord of all nations, Ukraine, Russia, Iran, Iraq, the United States and every land and people God birthed into being.  Faith tells me that what God desires for our world must be embraced in the now.  Here is where the Gospel must flourish.  Anything contrary is unacceptable. 

Faith empowers us to do what we pray, ‘Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done.” That Reign of God is found in the home, at the workplace, on war-torn lands, in gay night clubs, in synagogues, mosques, temples, cathedrals and in us.  Faith is that gift that we can do better, we must do better.  Better put, faith is that gift that has us empowering God to do through our surrender, our trust, his vision and our willingness to give it a try today, tomorrow and always.  Faith enables us to be continually forgiven, nourished, held and kissed by our God.  It is that gift that convinces us that we are worthy of such infinite, unconditional love. 

Advent faith reminds us of God’s plan to share with us His divinity, which enhances our humanity from selfishness to otherness, from our will to God’s will, from division to communion, from slavery to freedom and from hatred to love.  Advent faith is the Savior of the World born in a stable, perfectly embracing our humanity and showing us how it is possible to “Live + Jesus.”  Faith makes the prophet Habakkuk’s words the motivating force that “the vision still has its time, presses on to fulfillment and it will not disappoint … and if it delays, wait for it for it will surely come” (Habbukuk 2:3).

May our faith make hope and love possible.  

Father John Fisher, OSFS


Our Mother of Consolation Parish

Philadelphia, PA