The Annunciation: Obedience as True Freedom


Today’s feast of the Annunciation recalls the moment the angel announces God’s intentions regarding the birth of his Son and God’s invitation to Mary to become the Mother of God.

Between the invitation and its acceptance, all of creation and especially salvation history holds its breath. For God invites, enables and awaits but never forces or compels human freedom.  Mary could have said no.

I like to situate the moment of the annunciation in the context of Mary’s entire life.  Yes, this was a very special moment, arguably the most important moment in all of history.  But the special moment of annunciation is situated in a lifetime of moments in which Mary stands ready, on her tiptoes as it were, arms wide-open and outstretched to welcome whatever God asks of her.  Mary is always ready, eager, and responsive to God’s will for her, in little everyday matters as well as in life-changing circumstances and events.

Years after this moment of annunciation, Mary’s Son would affirm that, “I do always the will of the One who sent me.”  Now, where, humanly speaking, did Jesus first learn the lesson of a ready openness to the divine will, an eagerness to do whatever God asks of him and to accept whatever God permits?  He learned that lesson from his parents, and especially from his Mother.

Yes, Mary is free, but her freedom is always situated within a ready obedience.  So, once she knows what God wants of her, she says “Yes!” 

We Americans love our freedom.  But we tend to think of freedom only in terms of freedom of choice.  The example of Mary at her annunciation and Jesus throughout his ministry show us another understanding of freedom, one that flowers through obedience.   Was Mary lessened or diminished in any way by her fiat?  Hardly.  She is Mother of God, Mother of the Church, Queen of Angels and Saints!  Was Jesus lessened by his ready “Yes!” to the Father’s will for him?  I think you know the answer to that. Mary and Jesus become the best of who they are through a freedom that blooms within a ready obedience to the divine will!

At her annunciation, then, Mary becomes a model for every Christian.  Her response must somehow become ours as well: “Yes, Yes, always Yes!” Loving obedience to God’s will for us is how we become the person we are truly meant to be.  Ask any saint.

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V. Rev. Lewis S. Fiorelli, OSFS
Wilmington-Philadelphia Province