Many of us place a nativity set near or under our Christmas tree. The nativity scene helps to keep us focused on what we are really celebrating at Christmas and its true meaning: the birth of Jesus, God among us as one who serves and saves.
In the parish where I served for many years, a huge nativity scene is placed on the side of the sanctuary and people are invited throughout the Christmas Season to spend some time in quiet prayer before it.
When we look upon the simplicity of a new-born infant lying in a straw-filled manger, surrounded by exhausted but happy parents, poor and prayerful shepherds, and barn-yard animals, we are compelled to wonder at the mystery and beauty of the divine plan in sending us a Savior in such humble circumstances.
St. Francis de Sales reflects on the Christmas crib in these words:
“Let us come close to the crib. If you love riches, you will find the gold that the kings brought; if you are looking for the smoke of honors, you will find that in the incense; and if you take delight in the delicacies of the senses, you will find the delicate perfume of myrrh that pervades the stable.
Be rich in love for this adorable Savior, respectful in the familiarity with which you relate to Him, and delight in the joy of experiencing in your soul so many inspirations and affections because you belong exclusively to Him.”
Don’t let this Christmas day and season pass without spending some quiet moments in the presence of the Christmas crib. All the wonder and majesty of both God and creation come together on the beautiful smile of the tiny infant lying before you: God so loved the world…!
V. Rev. Lewis S. Fiorelli, OSFS
Wilmington-Philadelphia Province