This week's reflection is written by
Rev. Matthew J. Hillyard, OSFS
Today is a true February day: sunny but cloudy, cool but blustery, bright but the darkness still comes early each evening. I love the winter but not the stronger winds or the shorter days. The gales and darkness can seem to win. Nature is a very good teacher for us. How often in life do the dark moments seem to overwhelm the light or the blowing winds outrun our desire for peace and calm?
Our tradition tells us that Jesus came to bring light, God's light, into a world that is often too dark. In the gospel, Jesus calms the dangerous winds with the simple command, "Be quiet." Were it only that easy for us! The fall and winter are frequently periods of spending more time indoors. Maybe that is an insight for us.
Let this be for us a time of nesting. As we nest more time indoors during this season, I think it can be a time to look inward to those stormy moments or dark periods. This is a time of faithful trust. It is a period to bring those moments and experiences to our God of love who sent Christ to sail with his disciples through those stormy seas and to meet Nicodemus during the nights of his curiosity and doubts.
"The same everlasting Father who cares for you today will care for you tomorrow and every day. Either he will shield you from suffering or give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace then and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginings."- St. Francis de Sales
Live Jesus!