Wisdom in the Woods

This reflection was written by Sr. Mary Francis Metz, VHM.  She is a member of the Visitation of Holy Mary, the religious order of women founded by St. Francis de Sales & St. Jane de Chantal.  Sr. Mary Francis is currently stationed at the VHM  monastery in Annecy France, the home of St. Francis & St. Jane.

One of my greatest joys in hiking through the woods is discovering wisdom for living that the Lord allows me to see. Every season has its glory revealing distinct truths about the reality of God and life. Keep your eyes peeled, your ears on your heart, and your feet on terra firm! Come with me and you will see what I mean!...

“Mountains and hills! Bless the Lord: give glory and eternal praise to Him!”

What is my goal? Where am I going? The destination is the peak of the Tennaco Gas easement! What route will I take? Well, like in life, that depends on the season.

In the summer it is almost impossible to scale the easement due to the dense growth of entangled vines, swamp grass, tall weeds, tight-knot saplings. The other possibility is the less direct, labyrinthian path through the woods. Here again one must not be daunted by fallen trees, unexpected cavities in the ground, thorny bushes and logging leftovers. The path is, without fail, circuitous. It necessitates zigzagging the side of the side of the mountain as one ascends. If you think you are making progress, don’t be surprised to discover that in reality, you have barely left home base! When in doubt, onwards and upwards! Sooner or later, you’ll have a sense of where you are (or where you are not)!

Once one gets beyond the curve of the easement, there is a wondrous sight to behold. Down yonder can be seen the upper structure of the monastery with its rust-colored roofing, sequestered in the woods, like a bird’s nest in a tree. One can also see the Tyringham Valley and beyond. Clearly distinguishable is the town church steeple, the cemetery behind it, myriads of homes, Monterey Road with an occasional matchbox car driving slowly along and gentle hills intersecting one another. Only the lens of the beholder can grasp the splendor and expanse of nature’s wonder at this height. I love to go there several times a year. It is one of my favorite spots.

One can be alone with The Alone, intimately present to the Other. It is an accessible oasis (for some of us) that is precious – truly another world!

In fall, well now as for tramping through the woods, one has the bonus of a more expansive view in the midst of leaf-divesting trees. The autumn foliage is the work of One who never tires to create exceptional hues. The sun shining through the towering pines creates a sense of transcendence and agelessness.

“Ice and snow! Bless the Lord: give glory and eternal praise to Him!”

In winter, there may be icy inclines to climb. A word to the wise: maintain the body in a ground-zero posture … or you may end up there anyway! Deep snow has its pluses as the footing is almost foolproof.

How can I forget to tell you about the rugged, rock-bottomed, half-frozen streams? Just to sit nearby on a snow-cushioned rock and be soothed by the sound of rushing water flowing underneath the freeze … AAAaaaaaa! The most minute breach in the ice is an open invitation to the unimpeded water to follow the downward course in utter freedom! Coral-like ice bubbles and frozen icicles suspended from every size and shape of rock and reclining branches leave one mesmerized by such marvels of nature. Oh, that I might be an unimpeded conduit of God’s love to all!

“Animals, wild and tame! All bless the Lord: Give glory and eternal praise to Him!”

Now spring is another story! Get to the woods before the growth spurts awaken and bears’ hibernation alarm goes off. Now in all these years of hiking, I have yet to spot a bear on the trail. In fact, I hardly ever see any creatures. Once I saw a fox near the lower end of the easement about 100 yards away. Occasionally, I’ll see a bird or hear a woodpecker. While praying at the top of the easement, I spied a cute little chipmunk praying, too, beneath the overhang of a flat rock. What a meditation that was! She seemed quite oblivious to this admirer. Being so small, it doesn’t take much to accommodate her needs.

“Unless you become like little children, you cannot enter the kingdom of God.” (Mt 18:3)

“Springs of water! Bless the Lord: give glory and eternal praise to Him!”

One time I decided to follow the stream that feeds the dam, which can be seen from our road. As I pursued my trek upwards, the stream constricted until it all but disappeared when…Lo! and behold, a natural spring surged exuberantly from the earth – pure, potable water springing from the depths of the earth! Springs of living water flow from the Heart of God to slake our thirst for the Eternal! What depths lie within the human heart! Let us take time to be there in that sacred space of silence. Jesus, take me deeper into your love for me!

Well, thank you for this opportunity to share with you some of my “tales of the trails.” Life is like a hike to the peak, a journey to the sacred depths within. We are called to trod the path less traveled. Let us not be afraid! The way is true and sure and will not disappoint.

There are sure to be inclement weather, obstacles to be overcome, challenges to meet, and crosses to bear. Let these be, as it were, opportunities to strengthen us, to move us beyond where we are. Let us keep our eyes on Jesus who goes before us.

Sr. Mary Francis Metz, VHM

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