
Walking in the Footsteps of Francis, Jane, and Margaret Mary

Recently, I embarked on an incredible and beauty-filled journey to our spiritual family’s homeland. As I reflected on having "walked in the footsteps" of our Salesian founders, I was moved to share my journey and thoughts with you...

Brick by Brick

Brick by Brick

At the St. Francis Faculty House in Toledo, we have an Oblate courtyard in between our chapel, school, and house. One year I decided to build a brick patio but I had no idea what I was getting myself into. The struggle led me to reflect on St. Francis' teachings of Spiritual dryness...

Margaret Mary, the Sacred Heart, and Salesian Spirituality

Margaret Mary, the Sacred Heart, and Salesian Spirituality

Jesus called Margaret Mary “the Beloved Disciple of the Sacred Heart.” As I learned more about the Oblates and Salesian Spiritualty, I came to understand the importance of the heart to the Salesian way of life...

In Loving Memory 2023


Please fill out the form, enter the name of deceased loved one you would like us to remember at our Masses in November. One name per box.


Where do I look?

It’s wedding season! During the wedding ceremony, there are two moments that are my favorite. It is in these moments that I see parallels in my life and am reminded to keep my eyes and heart on Our Lord. What are these moments and their lessons...

Back to School: The Ecstasy of Work and Life

The phrase “ecstasy of work and life” in St. Francis' writings caught my attention as we approach a new school year with all the hustle-and-bustle it entails. What can lead us to feel this way during a times of change and the business of life?.....READ MORE