As we come to the end of June, we complete the traditional graduation season in our nation. The Class of 2020 certainly has experienced a different type of graduation. However, most schools have found ways to celebrate this milestone virtually or by means of “social distancing.” The same is true of Father Judge High School in Philadelphia, which has been staffed by the Oblates since its foundation.
The Oblates would like to share with the readers of DeSales Weekly the inspiring words of Angelo Colon, Father Judge President of the Class of 2020 and President of the National Honor Society. These words of Salesian wisdom were shared during the virtual celebration of this year’s Baccalaureate Mass.
The one person who connects all our classmates and every generation of Judge is St. Francis de Sales, our patron saint. He modeled the way all Father Judge students try to live. We have asked him to pray for us every school day, we have prayed his Direction of Intention and his quotes are displayed throughout the school. St. Francis de Sales is Judge.
One Salesian quote that continues to resonate with me is “when you encounter difficulties and contradictions, do not try to break them but bend them with gentleness and time.” Because of everything we have experienced, it is the perfect quote for our time.
Francis tells us not to be broken by the issues in our lives or world but rather openly accept them with the Salesian gentleness and patience we have learned and practiced at Father Judge.
We have grown together, we have won together, we have lost together, and we have struggled together. Yet, we did it together. The brotherhood we started in our freshmen year has developed and advanced until this very day. But it doesn’t stop. This bond will never vanish. It is the bond of the past, the future and the present moment.
Because of the values we have learned from St. Francis de Sales and Father Judge High School, every student in this class has the ability to succeed. No matter what happens in the future we will be ready because we are Salesian gentleman. Never forget to handle adversity and time like our patron saint taught us.
Never forget to live today well!
Angelo Colon,
Father Judge High School,
President of the Class of 2020
President of the National Honor Society
DeSales Weekly:
DeSales Weekly Editor: Fr. Bill McCandless, OSFS