Francis & Me: Duncan Borland

Francis & Me: Duncan Borland, St. Francis de Sales High School, Class of 2022

As I reflect on my years at St. Francis de Sales High School, I see a lot of highs and lows in my time here. However, through it all, I see the wisdom of St. Francis de Sales and his many sayings, especially the admonition to “be who you are and to be that well.”

When I first came to St. Francis, I was nervous about starting a new school. My old school was toxic. I had few friends and especially lacked real role models. At St. Francis, I was challenged in my classes, continued running cross country, and started on the track team as well. I decided to experience new things and joined the school musical.

Soon I started making friends with the other members of the cast, it was a great group. ​The senior guys always looked out for everyone in the cast and made sure everyone was trying their best. It wasn’t until the end of the school year that I realized how much I looked up to them. I finally had guys to look up to and model myself after.

When the school opened again after Covid, I decided that I would strive to be my best and be that well. By living this way, I would hopefully give the younger guys someone to look up to just as I had in my freshman year. The musical started and I was surprised that my directors wanted me to take on a leadership role. Our choreographer had fallen seriously ill as we approached opening night. I wrote her a letter apologizing for not always trying my best, but she passed away before I could give it to her. I made a promise at that time that I would always try my best in everything I did.

I worked hard to balance my schoolwork, musical practice, and cross-country schedule. I was recognized by my castmates as someone they looked up to and admired. After the final show, two freshmen handed me letters they had written. Both letters included how I was a great example to them and always brightened up their days at rehearsals. I was happy because I knew I had made an impact on people in the cast in the same way those seniors had impacted me a few years earlier.

I have come to see that the teachings of St. Francis de Sales encapsulate my time in high school. I will always carry these lessons with me. I had struggled with role models all my life until becoming a Knight at St. Francis. I found good role models and I strived to be a good role model for others. Through my experience at St. Francis, I was able to embrace who I am. I challenge everyone to not be afraid to take risks. Put yourself out there, do everything with a smile on your face (if you can), and lead by example. Most of all take a look at yourself and visualize how to be who you are and to be that well. Try to be the best person God has made you to be.