The Formation Document for the American Provinces of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales articulates the purpose and process by which a young man prepares for Oblate life and ministry. The document quotes the Oblate constitutions: “The primary goal of a formation program is to help the candidate become fully absorbed in the love of God and neighbor and to progress in that love so that he can, as an Oblate, serve in the Kingdom of God on earth.” [C 44]
Becoming an Oblate is challenging and comprehensive, addressing the formation of the candidate in human, spiritual, intellectual, and ministerial dimensions. Accomplishing these goals requires the man to be open to those who mentor them in formation, an honest and continual reflection on his progress in the four areas mentioned, the mature ability to choose Oblate life and all that it entails, and a deep desire to serve God through the Church.
Joe Katarsky is the most recent man to reach the benchmark of final vows and ordination, fulfilling all mentioned above. This past Saturday, Joe was ordained as a transitional deacon, entering his final formation stage. Joe was ordained at the Basilica at the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC, with his family, friends, and brother Oblates in attendance.
Joe has an exciting year planned as he heads towards his priestly ordination in June 2023. He begins working in youth retreats at the DeSales Center in MI, followed by several months of rural ministry in Alaska with the Jesuit community, and finally, six months as a deacon at the Oblate parish, Our Lady of Good Counsel, in Vienna, VA.
It was highly gratifying to be with Joe at his diaconate ordination. He has become all that we Oblates hope for through his years in formation and, in doing so, has found the happiness, excitement, and joy that should mark every Oblate ministering in the Church. If anything, being with Joe and seeing him mature into the man and the Oblate he is today affirms my Oblate vocation. It also encourages me to pray and work for vocations so that others may have this wonderful life we Oblates share. Please join me in this prayer and work to inspire other young men to consider this life.
Fr. Jack Loughran, OSFS
Toledo-Detroit Province