Francis & Me: Anthony Vu

Anthony Vu - Father Judge High School Class of 2022

To many people, St. Francis de Sales is a famous bishop, saint, and spiritual doctor of the Church. For me, he is more than these titles. St. Francis de Sales is a man who has had a tremendous and profound effect on my everyday life. 

At Father Judge, the famous phrase of St. Francis “Be who you are and be that well” can be found on the signs, banners, and walls of our school. You can find teachers, staff members, administrators, and students saying this all the time. When I was a freshman at Judge, “Be who you are and be that well” was honestly just a quote to me. I didn’t make much of it. But, as I have journeyed through high school, the constant repetition of this Salesian saying made me ask why this one quote was constantly being repeated. Through class retreats, discussions in theology classes, and reflecting on this saying, I came to realize what St. Francis de Sales was saying to me. 

Today, “Be who you are and be that well” is how I strive to live my life.  Being who I really am, and being my best self, begins by being with God.  It means taking time for God each day. God is supposed to be #1 in my life, but this can be a challenge at times because I often want to do my own thing.  Being myself means walking with God each day and using my God-given talents and gifts to their fullest.   The teachings of St. Francis de Sales push me to complete assignments and do various tasks when I’m lazy or I don’t want to do them.  

The Salesian virtues and values taught at Father Judge (summarized as the “Salesian Seven”) help me to live a good life.   The life and teachings of Francis de Sales show me how I should live my life every day.  I have learned to respect myself and others.  I have tried to recognize my unique gifts and talents and use them to my fullest potential. I strive to be patient with everyone, especially with myself.  If I am patient, then I will be gentle, not quick to anger or frustrated. If I am positive, I will be grateful for all the blessings from God. If I am confident, then I know who I am, and I can be that well.

Following the example and teachings of St. Francis de Sales helps me to be my best self.   Being my best self helps me to live every day in the present moment and living the Salesian virtues helps me to live every day well.