Francis & Me: Ben Burson

Ben Burson, St. Francis de Sales H.S., Class of 2022

Each year our school selects a Salesian theme for the year. One of my duties as student body president is to help our leadership team find a quote that is both practical and one that we could use in our daily lives.  The quote we chose is: “do ordinary things well, and with great love”. 

Most of us are familiar with the first part of the quote.   But I think we often forget the second half of the theme. Francis de Sales calls us to live our lives centered in great love. 

Besides being student body president, I play hockey and lacrosse.  I share this to show that I’m involved in a wide array of activities at St. Francis. Engaging in each of these activities culminates in a lot of “little things” that build the overall school experience for all of us. I would say I do it for the love of my school but also to share that love with others. 

2012 was my oldest brother Adam’s senior year. I was the “water boy” that year on his hockey team. From day one, I was welcomed as “one of the guys.” I did everything with the older guys.  We played video games at team dinners, held hands as we prayed the “Our Father'' in the locker room, and felt I was as much of the team as everyone else.   

I was out of my comfort zone but everyone in that locker room, especially Adam, was right by my side the entire time. The season itself was less spectacular but the memories made will be with me forever. It was here that my love for the brotherhood began and years later these memories would take on a new meaning.

In August of 2015, I learned that Adam was a heroin addict. Within weeks he would be sent to a recovery center in Florida.  I would not see Adam again until my brother Joe’s graduation from St. Francis in May of the following year. On November 1st, 2016, Adam would finally succumb to his addiction. Fr. Newman presided over his funeral Mass in our school chapel. The philosophy of St. Francis de Sales - “Suaviter et Fortiter” (gentle-strength) -  truly described my brother and these words were placed on his headstone. 

I share this story because Adam’s passing made those cherished memories come to the forefront.  Everything I do at St. Francis High School serves to strengthen these memories and to do all of the little things in life with power and passion.

In whatever you do, recognize what you love and love greatly.  

Live every day of your life well.  Live Jesus!