Dr. Carol Raphael: Parishioner of Saint John Neumann in Reston, VA
Dr. Carol Raphael
The most important influence in my life today is the spirituality of Saint Francis de Sales. Following Francis helps me to become closer to God each day and as my relationship with God grows closer, the joy in life also increases.
I did not always know Francis de Sales and his gentle spirituality. My first introduction to Francis occurred when my oldest son attended an Oblate high school. It increased as I worked with the Oblates at a new high school in my area. Meeting Francis for me was like being offered a cup of ice water after being in the desert. I wanted to know more. I read the Golden Counsels and Introduction to the Devout Life. I grew in the love of God aided by the gentle ways of Saint Francis. All of the things I thought of as important became secondary to the peace and joy I felt getting to know Francis’ writings. If I thought there was a better life somewhere else, Francis reminds me not to build castles in Spain when I live in France.
When I worry about what is going to happen in the future, Francis reminds me not to worry about tomorrow for God will take care of me. When I think I am not enough, he reminds me to be who I am and be that well. Francis teaches me to hold on to God with one hand at all times and that God really loves me with all my faults and sins. God loves me for me – just me. I am unique in the eyes of God. There is no one like me. God loves us all as who we are.
Like all of us, my life is filled with challenges. Francis shows me how to deal with any challenges life offers. In times of illness or upset, I remember that I am holding God’s hand through all things. Francis de Sales is the answer to what I truly search for – peace and tranquility. I often hear Francis’ reminder not to lose my inner peace for anything even if the whole world seems upset (Golden Counsels, 2015). Peace fills me with joy, and when I am filled with joy, I radiate that joy to others. It is not I who do this but the Spirit which works through me. Without God, I can do nothing,
As Francis tells us, the path to holiness is a path we can all follow. With my hand in God’s and my heart with Francis, I am on that path.