Elisabeth Showalter: Mathematics Teacher, Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, Washington, DC
"If you contemplate the Lord frequently in meditation, your whole soul will be filled with Him, you will grow in His likeness, and your actions will be molded on His." - Saint Francis de Sales
Elisabeth Showalter
Accomplishing the Extraordinary
As a child, one of my greatest desires was to have superpowers. I remember sitting in traffic wishing that I had the power to make the car fly or playing hide-and-seek and wishing I could make myself invisible. Upon reflection, I realized that what I desired was to have my body filled with superpowers that allowed me to transform the world around me, to transform it into something extraordinary.
As I reflected on Saint Francis’ words, I realized that what Francis promises is exactly what I longed for as a child, but what Francis promises is much more powerful than my childhood dreams! He promises that when we unite ourselves to Christ through prayer and contemplation we are inviting Christ to permeate our entire being; we are inviting Him to fill us with the graces necessary to transform the world into something extraordinary. Christ created the world; He designed everything from the freckles on our noses to the beauty of the sunset. I can not even begin to imagine what He will accomplish through us as our lives and actions are molded to His.
I may never be able to make cars fly, but as Francis tells us, the Lord will be able to accomplish extraordinary things through us if we only invite Him to do so.
*This reflection was first published in Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School’s e-reflection series, Loving Life, Living Jesus. For more inspiration about how to Live Jesus in our everyday lives, sign up here!