Kathy Wickham: Parishioner of Holy Family Parish, Adrian., MI
Kathy Wickham
“Let us think only of living today well, and when tomorrow comes, it also will be today and we can think about it then. In all this, we must trust and be resigned to God’s providence.” - Saint Francis de Sales
I often struggle to live in the present. My neat little plan for today can easily launch me into tomorrow. A request for a favor, assistance or a listening ear sends me in an unplanned direction. If I’m honest, reliance on my will for how the day should go often brings little worries and anxieties. The writings of Saint Francis de Sales teach us God cares about what’s happening right now.
My Pastor and Spiritual Director occasionally reminds me of the importance of discerning what is mine to do today. Remembering his words, prayerful thought awakens the realization of Divine presence. In that moment of deeper thought I’m reminded that I am not God and collaboration with Him inspires my best efforts. My “yes” to His Will resigns me to a path of humble service to do what I can in the circumstances before me. Frustration becomes gratitude when the weeds of self-reliance are exposed and I adjust my expectations as God rearranges my day. In his gentle way, Saint Francis de Sales teaches me the importance of cultivating virtue, to persevere and patiently, calmly start again when I fall short.
Time is limited, and precious and sometimes not generously shared. In a recently viewed reflection, the speaker said, “Mother Teresa of Calcutta says our giving is holy when it hurts a little.” God’s timing may not be convenient but it is always purposeful and perfect. When I choose to keep an open heart and mind to live intentionally, I become an instrument in His plan and holy moments play out. The gentle or not-so-gentle nudge of the unexpected direction the day takes offers many graced gifts along the way. I’m learning there is no day void of such gifts when lessons in Salesian Spirituality help guide the journey.
Heavenly Father, thank you for being with me in whatever this day may hold. Guide my heart, mind, words and hands with everyone in my path and all that I do.
May God Be Praised