Francis & Me: Kyle O'Neal

Kyle O'Neal, Salesianum School Class of 2022

St. Francis de Sales was a Bishop and Doctor of the Church who was immensely impactful in his diocese and across Europe.  St. Francis has also played a massive role in my life and development as a student, friend, family member, and overall well-rounded young person. He has influenced everything that I am today. Before coming to Salesianum School,  I did not know much about this Salesian saint. Being from the Diocese of Wilmington, DE, I had heard some very minor details of his life and some of the sayings and quotes he is known for (St. Francis is the patron of the Diocese of Wilmington).

That all changed the first time I stepped into the Salesianum School building. 

I was taken by how much this school integrated the teachings and life of one person into everyday school life. Over the years I have learned to be the best possible person I can be through everything I do.  On the sports field, in the classroom, with my family, friends, and even with strangers, I have learned to be my best self. I have been inspired to never give up on anything I do. I have seen the sayings of this 17th century French bishop put into practice in the 21st century.  I have been challenged to “bend don’t break,” to “rise up,” to “be who you are and to be that well.” This list of gentle yet powerful quotes could go on.  Salesianum has taught me so many other virtues that I live by and think about every day. I   will continue to rely on them as I prepare to graduate.  

St. Francis has done more for me than I can think of. He is truly a model for my life and anyone who wishes to be themselves.  One of the best things I have learned at Salesianum is to live like St. Francis de Sales. However, he reminds me that it is most essential that we try to live like Jesus!