Marge Van Lierde: Parishioner of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Vienna, VA
Marge Van Lierde
I stumbled onto Saint Francis de Sales for the first time in 1984 when my husband and I registered at the parish around the corner from our new home in Vienna, VA. We joined Our Lady of Good Counsel which is served by the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales. Although I’d heard of him, I wasn’t familiar with Francis’ teachings. I grew up in the Benedictine tradition, which was pretty much all the exposure I had to spirituality. Learning about Saint Francis at my new parish felt like someone pulled up the blinds and let the light pour in! I’ve loved being a part of this vibrant community. Although I now live 16 miles away, I continue to be a parishioner because that’s where my heart is.
One of Francis’ teachings that has the biggest impact on me is living in the present moment. Throughout the various seasons of my long life, I have leaned heavily on God in the present moment to care for me. This has been especially true during serious health issues, the deaths of both my mother and husband within a year, while finding my way alone in a new world and now, during the challenges of old age.
I must admit, it takes work, and I’m not always successful because sometimes daily living just rolls over me. However, Francis is there to keep me going with his advice to start with God at the beginning of each new day. Saying the Direction of Intention prayer helps me focus on offering my daily actions to God, asking for grace to handle difficult situations and enduring difficulties for love of Him. I love that every day offers a new beginning, another chance to get it right. I’m reminded of the song I heard many years ago during a Salesian retreat entitled “We Fall Down,” especially the lyrics, “For a saint is just a sinner who fell down and got up.”
Although it’s been 38 years since I first met this gentleman saint, I’m nowhere near where I’d like to be in my development and understanding of his spirituality. Despite that, Francis continues to influence my life, often in surprising ways, as I continue my faith journey. I’m so grateful for being nurtured and comforted by his Golden Counsels which have withstood the test of time for over 400 years. I just wish I had stumbled upon him earlier!