Francis & Me: Miranda Clark-Binder

Miranda Clark-Binder: Art & Art History Educator, Our Mother of Consolation Parish School, Philadelphia, PA

Miranda Clark-Binder

“Be who you are and be that well.” - Saint Francis de Sales

As an artist, educator and mother, this quote from Saint Francis de Sales resonates with me in every fiber of my being.  I try to live this mantra and instill it in my daughter and young students every day.  I even had it engraved on a bracelet so I will always keep it with me.  To me this idea that God only wants us to be our best selves, and that is enough, is life-changing.  It has taken me a long time to reach this place of personal acceptance and I honestly feel like I have only gotten here through the guidance of my Salesian parish and the humble, honest and loving teachings of Saint Francis de Sales. 

Some background about me – fully embracing my place in the Catholic Church has been a very long journey and continues each day. I was baptized Catholic as a baby and made my communion only after begging my parents to allow me to attend CCD in middle school.  I always felt a pull toward God and the church but I didn’t recognize my place until I began to attend Our Mother of Consolation Parish (OMC). 

To be honest, we first joined the church because I heard the parish school was very good and I wanted to get on the waiting list.  However, once we began attending OMC I was overwhelmed by the welcoming, loving acceptance of the Pastor and congregation.  The community made me and my family feel like we had always been here (not like we had been out of the church for most of our lives).  After a time, I felt so accepted and called to be more involved that I decided to make my confirmation as an adult.  This was a very important spiritual growing experience for me.  With gentle guidance, I was able to engage with God and grow in my Catholic faith as an adult. 

Learning about the gentle and loving teachings of Saint Francis de Sales played a pivotal role in my knowing that I was in the right place and was making the right choice.  His teachings really spoke to me (and still do).  I was able to come to God as myself and through Spiritual Guidance learn that I am enough.  God loves me.  I can’t “do it wrong” or “pray the wrong way” and don’t need to worry about judgment as an impediment to being loved as myself.   If I am present in God’s love, have patience with myself and others, and just be myself and be that well – I too am worthy to receive God’s love. 

We all are worthy of God’s love.  I pray every day that, as a mother and educator, I can help those I love and guide find the same calming, loving presence in Saint Francis de Sales that I have.
