Francis & Me: Pope John XXIII

Pope John XXIII (1881-1963) was proud to tell people that St. Francis de Sales was one of his favorite saints. 

On the Feast of St. Francis de Sales, in 1903, “Good” Pope John wrote:

“Today was a perfect feast; I spent it in the company of St. Francis de Sales, my gentlest of saints. What a magnificent figure of a man, priest and bishop! If I were like him, I would not mind even if they were to make me Pope! I love to let my thoughts dwell on him, on his goodness and on his teaching. I have read his life so many times! His counsels are so acceptable to my heart. By the light of his example, I feel more inclined to humility, gentleness and calm. My life, so the Lord tells me, must be a perfect copy of that of St. Francis de Sales if I wish to bear good fruits. Nothing extraordinary in me or my behavior... except my way of doing ordinary things, ‘all ordinary things but done in no ordinary way.” A great, a burning love for Jesus Christ and His Church: unalterable serenity of mind, wonderful gentleness with my fellow men, that is all. Oh my loving saint, as I kneel before you at this moment, there is so much I could say to you! I love you tenderly and I will always remember you and look to you for help. Oh St. Francis, I can say no more; you can see into my heart, give me what I need to become like you.”